Trip to Seminary in Miami, Fl

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I live in Tampa Bay, so a trip to the Seminary in Miami isn’t a long way (5 hours driving).

The Diocese of St. Petersburg schedules this a few times a year, so that men looking to become priests can see what Seminary life is like, and to get “away from it all” to see if God is really calling them to the priesthood.

I was invited to attend, because I have showed interest in becoming a priest. However, my dad does not want me to go, not because he doesn’t want me to be a priest, but that he’s concerned about the priests and seminarians being pedifiles.

Now, I kinda see where he’s coming from, because down in Miami, there are a lot of homosexuals and stuff like that, but at the same time, the priests that I’ll be going with have not had charges placed against them and have not committed an attrocity of the sort.

The thing is, I don’t want to be disobedient to my father and not go, because I respect my father’s concern for my well being, but I want to know what seminarian life is like first hand, because after college, I don’t want to overwhelmed by it all. I want to know what it’s like so I can consider it from now until I finish college.

Can anyone help me with this situation? Maybe give me suggestions, ideas, or advice about how to handle it all? Thanks for your help.

From the way you write it seems you are living under your father’s roof. I can imagine how you must feel squeezed.

Have you thought to have the priest that you will be going with to speak to your dad?

If your father is so afraid of someone at the seminary making a homosexual “pass” at you then either he has good reason or he is just ignorant of the seminary.

Talk to your priest and tell him what your father thinks. Say an extra “Our Father” about it. Good luck.
Thanks for your help, Exporter. Yeah, I’m 16, and I live with my parents. My mom wants me to go, but my dad’s a little nervous. Like I said, I understand where he’s coming from, but he’s also judging people before he knows them.

It’s almost insulting the way he’s acting, because he thinks that the priests are pedifiles and homosexuals…I want to be a priest, does that make me what my dad thinks of some?

Don’t get me wrong, my dad wants me to be a priest, but he’s being too protective about this, in my opinion.

Once again, thanks for your help.
Most of the sexual misconduct by priests that received so much publicity recently was committed not by pedophiles but by homosexual priests with teenage boys. Since teenage boys can say no to any sexual advances, I would advise your dad not to worry about it. The media, unfortunately, liked that term “pedophile priest” so much that it was repeated over and over again, in every broadcast, until we all got sick of hearing it – especially those of us who knew it wasn’t the truth. You might read this article and if you think it would help, give it to your father to read.

Most of the sexual misconduct by priests that received so much publicity recently was committed not by pedophiles but by homosexual priests with teenage boys. Since teenage boys can say no to any sexual advances, I would advise your dad not to worry about it. The media, unfortunately, liked that term “pedophile priest” so much that it was repeated over and over again, in every broadcast, until we all got sick of hearing it – especially those of us who knew it wasn’t the truth. You might read this article and if you think it would help, give it to your father to read.

Thank you so much for this article. I think I will show this to my father to read.

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