Ok so I have to take a few classes on communication theories and alot of it seems like it is trying to prove that reality is subjective which is against what the church teaches about reality. This concerns me.
The common teaching by most of these is:
- A reality is formed by dominant man made societies which give their own meanings to symbols
This is applied to religion, politics, social class, education, etc. etc.
Its a very subjective-based theory.
So my question is how do we refute this and prove that there are objective realities and objective right and wrongs without it being “hegemonic” and “just our interpretation of a symbol”?
The common teaching by most of these is:
- A reality is formed by dominant man made societies which give their own meanings to symbols
This is applied to religion, politics, social class, education, etc. etc.
Its a very subjective-based theory.
So my question is how do we refute this and prove that there are objective realities and objective right and wrongs without it being “hegemonic” and “just our interpretation of a symbol”?