True messages from Our Lady?

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There are some locutions that many people believe are actually from our Blessed Lady. I know there are some criteria that must be met so as to have them approved. One of the important things happens to be obedience to the local Bishop. Now, there are some who say that this Bishop and other Bishops are being reprimanded by Our Lady because they have allowed much immorality in the Church, i.e. removal of kneelers, removal of tabernacles, not making sure that the true Catechism is taught in church or schools, etc.(I know there is a big difference between abuses, illicit, invalid, and immoral acts) Now these people because of these “immoral acts” say that they will listen to the Blessed Mother. They have convinced many people because of the “miracles” that happen in the area where the alleged locutions are occurring. They say that the Eucharist appearing in the sky, rosaries changing, Mary giving a rosary to the seer that had beads like teardrops, Mary giving messages of praying for end of abortion, doing penance, adoration, etc (which is all fine and we should be doing that anyway). People claim there is so much peace and have been convinced that they are the remnants that will survive and have gone “ecumenical” (since the Blessed Mother is for everybody) so as not to be under the investigation of the Bishop (an alleged request of our Blessed Mother). Here are just three alleged message from the Blessed Mother.
“You ask for credentials from My messenger here proving her worthiness. You set up your own criteria with which to judge her interior life. Humility does not defend itself. I have instructed My messenger, in humility, not to defend herself, but to remain silent.”
“If you continue to persecute her after My warnings, do not seek My defense when you most need it. There is never a just cause to slander another, calumnize, detract or rash judge (Jas. 3:6-18; 4:11-12). There is never a good and just reason to lie about another. Your position in church circles or the community does not change lies into the truth, or sin into virtue.”
“Do not oppose Heaven’s plans here. You will not win. I correct you always as a loving mother corrects her children. I await your loving response.”
I’m sure some of you recognize where these are coming from. What is the opinion on these messages. Would the Blessed Mother go against the Bishop, even if that Bishop was a rascal and giving the seer and the followers a hard time?
Please do tell us where these alleged messages are coming from???
This is a good link. I hope what the OP has posted isn’t from an unapproved apparition because it’s against forum rules to post about them.
These are message from Cleveland (Holy Love Ministries) and I know that Bishop Pilla has not approved and per the Chancery, they discourage people to go there. My question basically is why would anybody think that the Blessed Virgin would go against the Bishop. I have some relatives that believe these message are true because they claim that the messages are exposing all the evils in the Church and that the Vatican has been infiltrated by corruption, and that it really is the Bishop that is been disobedient. What response would you give to these messages? They claim that the Vatican has actually approved them because Pope John Paul II gave the seer a blessing. Oh, and of course my relatives and others are hooked also on Medjugorje.

I apologize regarding unapproved apparitions. I completely forgot about it. If this thread should be closed please do so. I have done a search to know the latest update, but have found nothing. If anybody from the Cleveland area has info on it that you can e-mail me if this thread is closed it would behelpful.

Thanks and God Bless
**This thread is now closed. Posting material about unapproved private revelations is against forum rules. Please see Content Rule #6. **

The Apparitions of Our Lady which are alleged to have taken place in Cleveland do not have the approval of the local Bishop please see this link:

Scroll down to 1985 and click on B where you will find a copy of a letter referencing the local Bishop decision.
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