Truly Our Sister?

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I had a Catholic priest tell me he would debate Our Blessed Mother Mary with me after I read this book. I browsed through a copy of the book and in the few pages I read found it to be another feminist approach to make Mary more like us. Has anyone read the book? As an Orthodox Catholic, would you recommend it? Why would a priest want to debate Mary using this book?

I find that, as in the Da Vince Code, people wish to make Jesus and His Mother more like us because it is easier for them. If Our Lord and HIs Mother are more like us, we don’t have to change. It is much harder for us to strive for holiness like Jesus and Mary. No wonder Our Lady is crying in so may apparitions and through her statues, etc. She IS one of us, but the Almighty God surely made her special to be the Mother of God. As a woman, I have no problem with that. I do have a problem with Mary as my sister. Jesus gave her to us to be our Mother.
I can’t express my opinion on this book, as I have not read it, but Holy Mother Church does indeed teach us that Mary is our sister. Christ gave her to us as our spiritual mother, but in Christ, as the pre-eminent member of the Church, she is also our sister. It is similar in how Christ is both our Master and our Brother. (As the firstborn from among the dead—Col. 1:18…as we are adopted children of the Father, so now His brothers). All members of the Church have been adopted by the Father and are brothers and sisters. This includes Mary…though of course she has a very unique role as our eldest sister. There are many mysteries in the Faith, and one of them is that Mary is both our Mother and our Sister at the same time, and that Christ is both our Master and Brother and the same time…hey, even your pastor is both your “father” and your “brother” at the same time.
Tell the Priest…

Okay Father…I’ll cede to your argument that Mary is our “Sister” as long as YOU recognize that she STILL remains:

Our Mother
Our Queen
Our Medatrix of all Graces
Our Co-Redemptrix

If he laughs, sneers or denies…

Yes, exactly. Like I explained above, she is our “sister” in Christ, in one sense…but she is also our Mother and Queen.
Thank You! I wasn’t thinking when I wrote that line. Of course she is our sister as part of our human family following Our Lord. It’s not the title I am concerned with, but what is insinutated. That her human side is all there is, not the other side which is her role as heavenly Queen, Mediatrix, etc. I appreciate your responses.
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