Trump is pulling for Sanders

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Most Republicans I know, including me, hope Sanders wins the nomination. That’s because we know we can win. America, especially middle America, will not elect a socialist president.
Bernie Sanders supporters are very similar to Donald Trump supporters. They believe he can do not wrong.
Sanders actually got Trump elected in 2016.
Many Bernie Sanders supporters voted for Trump or Jill Stein, because they thought Hillary had stolen the nomination away.
Of course the rules having to do with Super Delegates, etc., were in place long before the DNC nomination process got underway in 2016.
Sanders’ supporters are delusional. His revolution will be four more years of Trump ripping the country apart.
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The only Democratic candidate that would represent a real electoral challenge to Trump is Michael Bloomberg. But do the Dems want him? My hunch is No, they don’t, but tomorrow evening we’ll have a clearer idea.
I think Mike Bloomberg or Joe Biden would give Trump a tough time in his re-election bid. They both appeal to moderates and independents.
But it seems like the left side of the Democratic Party will nominate Bernie Sanders.
I think Mike Bloomberg or Joe Biden would give Trump a tough time in his re-election bid. They both appeal to moderates and independents.
From what I’ve seen in the last few days, it looks as though Biden is past his sell-by date. He’s a year younger than Sanders but he has aged more quickly.
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I respectfully disagree, Bernie is a bit stooped and looks a lot older. Perhaps that “Kid, get off my lawn!” angry attitude of Sanders makes him seem younger. He always seems to be waving his arms around.
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Bernie will be sabotaged again somehow by his own party I beieve.
Sabotaged? No, if Bernie does not gain the nomination it will be because the majority of Democrats want someone else as their nominee.
The majority of Democrats are moderates, but left leaning.
Bernie’s zealots are total leftists.
I’m no fan of President Trump, (although I think that much of the criticism towards him is unfair), but I certainly don’t want a socialist president. I think it may surprise people to know this, but I would rather not have a president that quotes communist leaders and thinks that Cuba is living the good life.
I’m a Republican who does not like Trump. But what are the alternatives? A crazy old socialist, or someone who can’t even quote the first part of the Declaration of Independence (“along with saying many other things that make him sound like
an incompetent boob. I don’t care if our next president memorizes facts or figures. But the Declaration of Independence? Come on, that’s foundational! When I went to elementary school (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) we studied it, and had to memorize
the first part that Biden could not quote (We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…
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