This will be fairly lengthy, so I’ve decided to divide this up into at least a couple of posts.
Can one really believe in Trump and Jesus? Notice I use the word “in” and not just some things about either or both. I’ve chosen three different areas of basic morality to cover between these two, namely materialism, hedonism, and honesty. So, how do they stack up? First of all, let me deal with Trump.
I doubt very much that anyone who watches even just occasional news stories would doubt for one minute that Trump is highly materialistic. He constantly brags about his wealth and all that he owns, he refused to divest of his business holdings, which even some of his advisers told him could result in some rather serious problems. He ignored them.
He golfs way more than Obama did, and yet he always was critical of when Obama did, and he also critical when Obama went on vacation. Yet, in less than one year, his costs were more than Obama accumulated during his entire presidency in regards to protecting he and his family.
But the main thing here is really quite simple: with Trump, it’s money, money, money, along with all the luxuries money can buy.
Can one really believe in Trump and Jesus? Notice I use the word “in” and not just some things about either or both. I’ve chosen three different areas of basic morality to cover between these two, namely materialism, hedonism, and honesty. So, how do they stack up? First of all, let me deal with Trump.
I doubt very much that anyone who watches even just occasional news stories would doubt for one minute that Trump is highly materialistic. He constantly brags about his wealth and all that he owns, he refused to divest of his business holdings, which even some of his advisers told him could result in some rather serious problems. He ignored them.
He golfs way more than Obama did, and yet he always was critical of when Obama did, and he also critical when Obama went on vacation. Yet, in less than one year, his costs were more than Obama accumulated during his entire presidency in regards to protecting he and his family.
But the main thing here is really quite simple: with Trump, it’s money, money, money, along with all the luxuries money can buy.
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