Trusting God

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How do you trust in God and his providence?

I will start off with a poem.

In God I Trust

In God I place my trust
Trusting in His love for me
Knowing that He will take care
Of all those I love dearly.

I surrender all that I have,
And all that I can ever do,
Into His hands with love
Trusting that He will come through.

He know my needs better than I
And He will generously provide
Not only the needs that I know
but also those hidden from mind and soul.

I do my part in opening wide
Those avenues for Him to provide
Trusting in the Spirit to lead
To the paths fulfilling His side.

For in God I can trust
In His infinite perfect love
Showering on us His graces
And blessing us all from above.

He knows the depths of my heart,
My needs, desires, and longings.
His generousity knows no bounds;
Of his kindness I will joyfully sing.

Praise God for His Kindness
And love for His Children
Praise Him, all peoples, Praise Him
With Joy in our Hearts, never to end.

I thank my Wonderful God
For his gifts that he has showered
lovingly on me and my family.
May He forever be adored.
God is good, God is love, God is infinite in everything, therefore I trust Him in everything, with everything and for everything.
A beautiful poem Thomas, I hope you don’t mind I have copied it to the Catholic poetry writings thread, Much peace and love to you xx God Bless you.
Jesus dictated to St. Faustina that the message “Jesus, I trust in You.” was a key pat of the divine mercy image.

This is interesting in that it tells us that in order to be open to mercy we must be trusting in God.

One good source for reading about Trusting in God is the Diary of Sister M. Faustina Kowalski (the link goes to’s description of the diary).
Mistrust in any relationship undermines it from the very core of it, no relationship can flourish and grow without absolute trust, otherwise a person is always holding back from the other and suspicion and deceit is always there stagnating it from the very core. Christ said we should become like little children in order to gain heaven, I always held that close to my heart because children are the most trusting of humans and the most loving. When you trust you allow God our Father into the very heart of you, when you do this He can work in your life abundantly and you can then give all glory to Him abundantly in all you do. God Bless you Thomas much love and peace to you xx
I offer you all this simple prayer of placing trust in God.

:gopray2: Jesus, I surrender. :gopray2:
:gopray2: Jesus, I love You. :gopray2:
:gopray2: Jesus, I trust in You. :gopray2:

The surrender is as total as you can make it. Over all things, people and aspects of your life.

The love is as unconditional and absolute as you can make it.

The trust is as absolute as you can make it trusting in God like a little child.
This quote “The trust is as absolute as you can make it trusting in God like a little child.” is the key, I feel to Jesus’ heart. Being like a “little child” is an important word. I trust in God with my child heart. God is my Father and I so desire to please Him. I know that He knows what is best for me. My life is so much more peaceful now that I trust in Him completely; let Him guide me every single step of the way; and turn to Him in praise, glory and hardships.

My favorite song to describe my feelings:

“My life is in your hands, my heart is in your keeping. I’m never without hope, not when my future is with you…”
My life the last 10 years has been very difficulty with lots of areas where I did not know that I would make it or how. I have been required to trust in God and so far have eeked by, at times living without many things consider necessary (such as health care). I am hoping that it will get better.

Praise God for taking care of us.
Dearest Thomas

Dear friend, I will keep you in my prayers, your trust in God in such adversity must be such a joy to Him. God Bless you Thomas!

Much love and peace to you all xx
Being raised an atheist, I had to learn to trust in ME! did that for 41 years. Now that I am a Catholic (Praise God), I find it hard to brake old habits as it were.

This has been a constant struggle for me. I find that I still depend on ME first, when, I know, God should be the one I depend on first. Sadly, I don’t always do that. I almost always arrive for daily mass at least a half hour early so as to have the chapel alone. I call it my One On One time with Jesus. I use part of that time praying that God will help me with this struggle.
I trust in God by trying to listen to what he wants for me. God speaks most loudly and clearly through the teachings of the Church, so I’ve been spending more effort trying to get educated on Church teachings, apologetics, etc, and trying to be good at what God has called me to be – a husband and a father.

I have also been trying to get into a better habit of a daily examination of conscience and more frequent reception of the sacrament of reconciliation, trying to discern God’s voice from my own, and praying for a sincere faith that is demonstrated through my actions, and not so much on how it makes me feel; loving God horizontally through his people as well as vertically through worship.

I pray to Mary for her intercession, because she is a perfect model of humility, obedience, and trust, and she’s our Mother who wants what’s best for us.

Unfortunately, It is still difficult for me to completely trust God, and that bothers me because I really don’t want to have a superficial faith. As an example, I say I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Communion of Saints, and that God is always with me, yet I feel alone, cowardly, or unprepared sometimes when there are opportunities for me to witness, speak up, defend or present the faith. This shows me that my faith is still weak and my beliefs are still more of a sentimental feeling than a true sincere faith. Oh how I don’t want a superficial, check-it-at-the-door, when-it’s-convenient, when-it-makes-me-feel-good, excuse-laden faith! I hate it when I see it in others and I hate it when my actions show that that’s exactly the kind of faith I often times demonstrate!
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