Great advice! I am a big fan of the “do ONE chore a day” thing. That seems to work best for me. We don’t have a large living space, so if I clean the bathroom one day, vaccuum one day, dust one day, do all the laundry one day, and just try to keep the house picked up and stay on top of the laundry for the rest of the week- the house is clean.
I also found the best time of the day to get my chores done- first thing in the morning. My ds is in a better mood and I have more energy. So I strive to get my one chore done first thing in the morning and get showered and dressed- then I have the rest of the day to be with my son, do smaller chores, be online, rest, whatever.
I make a list of meals for a week before we go shopping- saves time at the store, money, and makes cooking easy. All I have to do is look at the list in the morning and I know exactly what I have to do to prepare for dinner that day. I always make it a point to have dinner started or at least know exactly what I am doing for dinner before lunch. Usually I HAVE to do it this way to get the meat thawed, but it makes it easier come 4 o’clock, too.
I have found that if I don’t do something this way, my life basically starts to fall apart. My ds gets more whiney because I am not spending enough time with him, the chores aren’t done, the house is a wreck, I am in a worse mood… the list goes on. The hardest part about all of it is making sure that I stick to my plan as much as possible.
Oh, and my mantra these days is, “This, too, shall pass.”
Prayers for all the mothers out there!
God bless,