Trying To Catch A 45-Pound Cat With A Catholic

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So…I think I may be getting some signs to keep looking into this Catholicism stuff! (^__^)
…Lemme explain-

Today, as I was leaving my coffee-shop job…I saw an interesting sight. 😮

An older lady, probably in her seventies, with a very sweet face and one of those little pillbox hats, reaching towards the hood of her car, and saying, “Heeeere kiiity. COME HEREEE KITTY!”
And what do I see on the car?

A BIG kitty. This is godzilla-kitty, peeps. This kitty is so chunky he has like, two chins. He was cute, chubby…and way too close to the road for either my or the lady’s comfort.

I asked her if everything was okay, and she said yes, but that that was her cat (She’d been taking him to the vet for a checkup) and he had managed to escape when she got out to go in one of the nearby stores.

So… I offered to help…and that began the chase.

And let me tell you- you would think that this kitty would not be very fast, right?
Nope, this kitty was a round ball of speed and power. He darted from the car, to the sidewalk, then around a bush. Underneath the parked car. Back to the bush. (Thank goodness he didn’t run into the street! 😖 )

Thankfully I managed to wrap my arms around the big fella, X D (Not gonna lie, I gave him a snuggle-) And if you have ever picked up a very big kitty it feels like holding a water balloon (Strange comparison but it’s true!)

Before we parted ways, the kitty’s owner gave me a pamphlet for…(Guess where?) the local Saint Peter’s Church (The very place I’ve been trying to convince myself to go to for like, months now…!!!) 😮

“Thank you, dear, you seem a nice girl. You should come see us, sometime!” The lady said. (If only she knew I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to do just that, hehe!) ❤️

Whew… (O__O) It’s been an eventful day, so far!

On another note…I wonder why she didn’t have a cat-carrier for the kitty? And I hope he didn’t escape outside again once she got to the vet! 😯
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So…I think I may be getting some signs to keep looking into this Catholicism stuff! (^__^)
…Lemme explain-

Today, as I was leaving my coffee-shop job…I saw an interesting sight. 😮

An older lady, probably in her seventies, with a very sweet face and one of those little pillbox hats, reaching towards the hood of her car, and saying, “Heeeere kiiity. COME HEREEE KITTY!”
And what do I see on the car?

A BIG kitty. This is godzilla-kitty, peeps. This kitty is so chunky he has like, two chins. He was cute, chubby…and way too close to the road for either my or the lady’s comfort.

I asked her if everything was okay, and she said yes, but that that was her cat (She’d been taking him to the vet for a checkup) and he had managed to escape when she got out to go in one of the nearby stores.

So… I offered to help…and that began the chase.

And let me tell you- you would think that this kitty would not be very fast, right?
Nope, this kitty was a round ball of speed and power. He darted from the car, to the sidewalk, then around a bush. Underneath the parked car. Back to the bush. (Thank goodness he didn’t run into the street! 😖 )

Thankfully I managed to wrap my arms around the big fella, X D (Not gonna lie, I gave him a snuggle-) And if you have ever picked up a very big kitty it feels like holding a water balloon (Strange comparison but it’s true!)

Before we parted ways, the kitty’s owner gave me a pamphlet for…(Guess where?) the local Saint Peter’s Church (The very place I’ve been trying to convince myself to go to for like, months now…!!!) 😮

“Thank you, dear, you seem a nice girl. You should come see us, sometime!” The lady said. (If only she knew I’ve been trying to work up the nerve to do just that, hehe!) ❤️

Whew… (O__O) It’s been an eventful day, so far!

On another note…I wonder why she didn’t have a cat-carrier for the kitty? And I hope he didn’t escape outside again once she got to the vet! 😯
Portable Cat carriers are usually rated for animals under 25 pounds…many are 20. She’d probably have to buy a bigger dog carrier. And those are really unwieldy to managage. Probably should of had some kind of harness/teather though.
They say God works in mysterious ways, looks like He got your attention.🐱:. Why don’t you follow your heart and walk into St. Peter’s, you won’t be disappointed I promise… God Bless 🦋🦋🦋
Ah! Thank you for the info! That makes sense, 'specially since most cat carriers are on the small side.
😊❤️ Thank you for the kind words! God definitely got my attention, and I have a feeling He has been trying to for a while now, but I’ve been…kinda ignoring/or missing those little nudges to get my attention…
That was the intervention of the Holy Spirit working for you. Go for it girl!
Your conversion story will be a bit different to Scott Hahn’s.

He’d go into some length about his high school years, entry into college, a Protestant seminary, and becoming a Protestant theologian, meanwhile being challenged intellectually and historically about some aspects of his Christian faith, making an enormous leap of faith, and finally becoming a Catholic apologist.

Your story would start, “Well, it all began when I was chasing this big moggie under a car and round and round a bush for a little old lady. It felt like a water bomb when I finally caught it, but it was the invitation I received that did the trick. Then that fat cat grinned at me, and I just knew …”

Sort of reminds me of a couple of stories my old Presbyterian pastor told me when I was still in his church. I think he had two recent converts in a Bible study group who were entirely different. One was an intellectual type, possibly a university professor or similar, who went on at some length about his intellectual search for the Truth, in academic language to boot.

The other was a little old lady who smoked like a chimney. She’d no sooner finish one that start another.

They all put up with it out of courtesy, meanwhile struggling to breath and waving the smoke away just to see across to the other side of the room.

But one night she turned up with no cigarettes. They thought it was a passing fad, but sure enough she never smoked again. Finally curiosity got the better of them, and they asked her, "Sadie, you used to smoke like a chimney, but now you’ve stopped. What happened?

She just shrugged, and said “I was about to grab another cigarette one night, but then Lord just said to me, “Sadie, you know that’s just a packet of old rubbish you’ve got there!” And I thought about it, and He was right.”

“So I just picked up the packet, and threw them in the bin.”
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Bob, your reply above was beautifully written, and so inspiring!! Thank you~
Giggles Also, you’re right! Will make for a hilarious conversion story! 😊

That’s wonderful that Sadie was inspired by God to give up her cigarettes; the people around her were probably very happy, as well, hehe! I definitely believe that God wants to lead us to healthier decisions, to expand our lives and help us become our best selves!
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Hi Cheerful Tabby,

Thanks for your reply. The story is true too, although the pastor himself is gone.

While I’m at it, I may as well give you one of my examples. One of my bugbears has been a lack of vocations or careers. One day I was on a bus travelling home from work (I’ve nearly always had a job, but not a “career” or “trade” as such), whining in my mind about this business of vocations. But as I sat there, this voice just cut right across my mind and said, “Bob! What’s WRONG with being a writer?” with a definite emphasis on the word “wrong”.

It certainly didn’t come from me. I wanted a “trade”. I’ve been dragging my feet on the writing, but …

I also see a psychiatrist from time to time, a Catholic by choice, like me (ie. Ex-Protestant) and who is quite a spiritual man. On one occasion I told him this story about the voice, and he replied, “That’s interesting! Did I tell you my story?”

It turned out he was in his office in Wickham Terrace (which is probably the main location for specialists in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) and typing away on his computer, when a voice just said to him, “Go to Maclean!” And that was it! No context, no reason, no timing, nothing. He said it was quite demanding.

But he wasn’t even sure which “Maclean” the voice was referring to. There’s a North and South Maclean not far from where I live, and Maclean over the New South Wales border, but since he didn’t know what the message referred to, he just noted it.

Now as a Catholic psychiatrist with spiritual discernment, he gets mixed up in “Family Healing Masses” as he believes actions by our ancestors can have spiritual repercussions on future generations, and these masses are a way of helping people to become free of these negative spiritual legacies.

About two weeks after the voice, he was involved in a family healing mass at Lismore, in northern New South Wales. After the mass, an aboriginal woman came up to him and said, “I don’t want to make a nuisance of myself, or cause any trouble, but I seem to be getting told you should go to Maclean.”

Having been primed by the voice two weeks before, he went to Maclean (in Northern NSW) with this otherwise unknown woman. He ended up on a river island which had been used as a temporary lockup for Aborigines in the early days of European settlement of that area. He said that there was some unfinished spiritual business there.

But in the long run he thought it was mainly to help her, as she was a recent convert and was copping a bit of flak from her own people.

So there you are. God can use anything – He’s omnipotent, but sometimes we try to pin Him down to our particular methodology.

One thing though – He remains hidden. No one but the psychiatrist knew about the command to “Go to Maclean”, unless he chose to tell someone, and nobody but yourself would have realised the possible significance of helping to round up a cat and then being invited to St. Peters. For anyone else in the same position, all else being equal, the situation would at most have involved helping to save the cat, and it would have stopped there.


Bob Crowley
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I definitely encourage you in the vocation of being a writer, sir! I would read your books, because you write incredibly well, and the way you describe everything is brilliantly detailed! 😀

I understand about dragging one’s feet when it comes to that, though- writer’s block is definitely a struggle for me, as well- the best advice I’ve ever been given is, “Just sit down and write what you’re feeling, first.” (^__^) It helps!

Hmm… I really like the idea of ‘family healing masses’ this sounds interesting!

I thank you for more of your wisdom, and the wonderful example! 😊 It has helped my own faith, to hear of other people’s journeys towards God~
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Hi Cheerful Tabby,

I’ve attached a couple of articles written by the psychiatrist I
mentioned in my last email “Spiritual Dimension” and “Mystery Illness
and the Subconscious Mind”.

I hope you can open then, as I sent this from a computer which is Linux
based, and sometimes people at the other end have a bit of trouble
opening attached documents.

If you read them, you’ll get some idea of why he gets mixed up in the
“Family Healing Masses” I mentioned earlier.

Personally I regard myself as rather fortunate to have him as a
psychiatrist. Plus we also share specific spiritual experiences.


Bob Crowley
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Haha, that’s a great story 😁 ! Don’t fear going to church, you will be welcomed! Try staying a little after mass to talk to your RCIA director, your priest, or anyone you can. God bless you!
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