Agree? Disagree? Comments?
I cannot claim credit for writing the statement. I transcribed words that somebody uttered, somebody else recorded, somebody else uploaded, etc.
Oh yes, I agree 100%.
Unfortunately we humans are not that smart, for the most part our law enforcement community is still sort of ‘medieval’, in that they think arrest and punishment is the solution to crime, and that will lead to a safe and healthy community, some are starting to come around, like helping drug addicts get into treatment rather than prison, but the general mindset is still old fashioned, you cannot ‘arrest your way out of a problem’
I just saw an article in our paper, despite years of tough new opiate and heroin laws, creation of heroin task forces, etc. overdose and arrest figures are increasing…yet LE suggests the same old approach, more laws, more arrests…??? LOL its almost comical if it was not so sad.
I imagine in the future, they will find a different way to resolve these problems, to address a problem, you have to attack its origin/ source, go after ‘why’ these people are doing these things.
I think once we understand the brain and how it functions in different people, we can begin to solve this problem, there is some mental reason why some people are criminally inclined and others are not.
You also have to factor in job security too, if we suddenly know how to eliminate criminal inclinations, there will not be as big a need for LE, thats whats keeping the drug war going, even though abuse and OD rates climb, Law enforcement continues to suggest the same approach (more, tougher laws), when the numbers show this has never worked…GEE, I wonder why they would keep suggesting this? LOL