Trying to understand vision of Mary in Eucharist

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About 25 years ago, when my sister was 3, she seemed to have seen Mary in the Eucharist consecration at mass. She became very excited and pointed her finger at the Eucharist when the priest rose it high, and said, Mary! And when she came home, she couldn’t find the right crayons to draw what she saw. She asked for sparkley crayons. She still has the drawing in her room at my mom’s house to this day. She still remembers it, and even drew a picture of it recently. The drawing was of an outline of Mary’s body imprinted into the bread. I guess Mary was clearish and “sparkley”. I asked her, how did you see this? It must have been so small! She said she didn’t know. After having finished the consecration to the Immaculate Heart devotion a couple of days ago, I think back on the image and wonder about the theology behind it. Does any Mariologist have an explanation of it? my thoughts are that Mary’s body is Jesus’s body. But in a sense this seems sacrilegious.

Finally getting the courage to ask the forum
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Jesus took flesh from his mother’s body (children are formed from their parent’s material) but Jesus and Mary have different bodies. Mary’s body is not Jesus’ body.

In a mystical sense all Christian’s are incorporated into Christ’s body, but not as flesh literally joined to flesh or as being made identical to Jesus.

It was a three year old’s vision. It may be legitimate, and bless her very much if it was so. But I’d be wary of trying to draw any new theology out of it (which may not have been what you were doing, but I just thought I should say that…). I’d just appreciate that she had such a moving and intimate religious experience.
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