tryune God

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John Maria

Christians believe in one God.

The words trinity and person do not appear in the Sacred Texts of the Christians.

We believe in one God. We can only use human words to explain God.

I will try further if you are still interested.
accodind to definitions from first website they Have said that Father is God, son is God and the Holy Ghost is God. whole they are saying three person in one God and they have said their is distinct but the same nature i can say, which means each one of them is God. you are confusing me: I would understand if they say Three manifestation of God in three persons i would have understood becouse if we use scripture Jesus is the manifestation of The Love of God to us. i am not yet satisified
accodind to definitions from first website they Have said that Father is God, son is God and the Holy Ghost is God. whole they are saying three person in one God and they have said their is distinct but the same nature i can say, which means each one of them is God. you are confusing me: I would understand if they say Three manifestation of God in three persons i would have understood becouse if we use scripture Jesus is the manifestation of The Love of God to us. i am not yet satisified
Prepare yourself for continuing to be dissatisfied. The mystery of the Trinity has yet to be fully explained by the most brilliant.

CCC said:
234 The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith”.56 The whole history of salvation is identical with the history of the way and the means by which the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, reveals himself to men “and reconciles and unites with himself those who turn away from sin”.57

CCC said:
237 The Trinity is a mystery of faith in the strict sense, one of the “mysteries that are hidden in God, which can never be known unless they are revealed by God”.58 To be sure, God has left traces of his Trinitarian being in his work of creation and in his Revelation throughout the Old Testament. But his inmost Being as Holy Trinity is a mystery that is inaccessible to reason alone or even to Israel’s faith before the Incarnation of God’s Son and the sending of the Holy Spirit.

CCC said:
The dogma of the Holy Trinity 253 The Trinity is One. We do not confess three Gods, but one God in three persons, the “consubstantial Trinity”.83 The divine persons do not share the one divinity among themselves but each of them is God whole and entire: "The Father is that which the Son is, the Son that which the Father is, the Father and the Son that which the Holy Spirit is, i.e. by nature one God."84 In the words of the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), "Each of the persons is that supreme reality, viz., the divine substance, essence or nature."85
254 The divine persons are really distinct from one another. "God is one but not solitary."86 “Father”, “Son”, “Holy Spirit” are not simply names designating modalities of the divine being, for they are really distinct from one another: "He is not the Father who is the Son, nor is the Son he who is the Father, nor is the Holy Spirit he who is the Father or the Son."87 They are distinct from one another in their relations of origin: "It is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds."88 The divine Unity is Triune.
255 The divine persons are relative to one another. Because it does not divide the divine unity, the real distinction of the persons from one another resides solely in the relationships which relate them to one another: "In the relational names of the persons the Father is related to the Son, the Son to the Father, and the Holy Spirit to both. While they are called three persons in view of their relations, we believe in one nature or substance."89 Indeed "everything (in them) is one where there is no opposition of relationship."90 "Because of that unity the Father is wholly in the Son and wholly in the Holy Spirit; the Son is wholly in the Father and wholly in the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit is wholly in the Father and wholly in the Son."91
Is it true we have three God’s
Thanks for sharing the interesting questions! There are not three Gods, however there are three distinct persons who are each fully God.
i am not yet satisified
Perhaps consider the following, and please share any critiques you may have:

No matter what (eternally good) or who you say God is, God will be three distinct persons, who are each fully what or who you declare God is, yet each person is genuinely distinct from one another and cannot be one another.

As an example, the Bible knows God is Love. Therefore:
The first person is the person who is always Love.
The second person is the person who is always Love by being begotten/born/generated/cloned from the first person.
The third person is the person who is always Love by sacrificing being always Love in order to demonstrate the process of becoming always Love to others.

Therefore, each distinct person cannot physically be one another, yet each person is still fully God, which is declared to be Love. With further analysis, one can see how each person is also within one another. For example, there is a time when the second person is perceived, by others, to not be always Love, demonstrating the way to becoming always Love to others. Therefore, the third person is in the second person. And hopefully it is easy enough to see how the first person is in the second person because the second person is the person who is always Love.

Thanks for your time and consideration! I look forward to more discussion!
I am very greatful with your answers, Thank you very much. Now I can defend My faith.
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