Before I ask my question, I did want to say that I will also be consulting a priest about this major decision. As some of you know from my old post, I have one child who is 7 yr. old and really would love to have more, but have physical reasons why I can’t. It is my bad, bad back pain. Any, I am now 41 yr. old and having excessive bleeding with my periods for months now. I am anemic and on iron. I saw my Gyn doctor and she gave me these help that do help to slow down the flow, but says that I am still anemic. She gave three months supply and then ordered a blood test. I just saw her yesterday. She recommends an enodometrial ablation procedure. She said that I can not get pregnant for it could be life threatening for it will be a tubal pregnancy. The uterus will no longer tolerate a pregnancy after this procedure. She then recommended a tubal ligation. I told her that I have been doing NFP for so long and no pregancy, so that was not needed, but I will be honest and have had pass “scares” that I might be pregnant, but never was. Is a tubal ligation fine in a case like this, where I can not get pregnant for medical reasons at all? She did tell me that 10 % of women who have this done, nothing changes and continue with heavy flows. Should I just stick it out and hope that the flow will decrease eventually? My only concern is the anemia that has been the source of my fatigue for so long, even on iron.