I was watching a show on EWTN recently, that was hosted by Rosalind Moss and Kris Franklin. I thought it was a blockbuster of a show because of they direct and exact fashion that they addressed the various topics they would discuss, AND because they even expressed great emotion and joy for their conversions to the Catholic Church.
One on the most impressive elements of the discussion, was when Roz refered to the Eucharist as the (forgive me if my terms are a bit askew) anti-type and the Manna in the desert as the type. She went on to say that there are many examples of the type and anti-type relationship between old testament and new testament. I belive the sudy of such is referred to as “typology”.
Roz alluded to some “ground rules” that must be applied when performing a type vs anti-type examination. The one that I recall her specifically pointing out in the Manna vs. Eucharist discussion was the the anti-type must always be superior to the type, thus the Eucharist must REALLY be the body of Christ in order that It should be superior to the Manna in the desert which really came down from Heaven. She went on to say, for if the bread is only a symbol, and remains unchanged, then it fails the type anti-type examination because it is truly inferior to the Manna.
I was looking for more examples and amplifications of this typeological process. I am hoping to gather some specific examples, as they seem to be great apologetical instruments at the present time.
Thanks, and I hope to hear from you all soon.
Pax Christi
One on the most impressive elements of the discussion, was when Roz refered to the Eucharist as the (forgive me if my terms are a bit askew) anti-type and the Manna in the desert as the type. She went on to say that there are many examples of the type and anti-type relationship between old testament and new testament. I belive the sudy of such is referred to as “typology”.
Roz alluded to some “ground rules” that must be applied when performing a type vs anti-type examination. The one that I recall her specifically pointing out in the Manna vs. Eucharist discussion was the the anti-type must always be superior to the type, thus the Eucharist must REALLY be the body of Christ in order that It should be superior to the Manna in the desert which really came down from Heaven. She went on to say, for if the bread is only a symbol, and remains unchanged, then it fails the type anti-type examination because it is truly inferior to the Manna.
I was looking for more examples and amplifications of this typeological process. I am hoping to gather some specific examples, as they seem to be great apologetical instruments at the present time.
Thanks, and I hope to hear from you all soon.
Pax Christi