U.N. Funds Search for Perfect Abortion Drug
CAMBRIDGE, June 7, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A team of Cambridge University researchers has discovered a protein that controls the action of an embryo when it is implanting in the uterine lining. The molecule, called STAT3, has been shown to play a key role in creating the chemical signals for the cells of the uterus to accept the implantation of the embryo. This discovery could be significant in treating infertility since in many cases the difficulty lies not in the sperm penetrating the ovum, but in the embryo implanting successfully in the uterine wall.
** The medical establishment, however, is exploiting this discovery to advance the culture of death.** The researchers are working to develop a drug that would block the production of STAT3 to create a more effective chemical abortifacient “contraceptive.” The new drug will specifically target only the existing embryo for destruction and not effect the woman’s ovulation cycle. It is being lauded as an improvement to “contraception” that will avoid the dangerous side effects of tampering with the woman’s natural hormonal system and move only to directly kill the pre-born child.
CAMBRIDGE, June 7, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A team of Cambridge University researchers has discovered a protein that controls the action of an embryo when it is implanting in the uterine lining. The molecule, called STAT3, has been shown to play a key role in creating the chemical signals for the cells of the uterus to accept the implantation of the embryo. This discovery could be significant in treating infertility since in many cases the difficulty lies not in the sperm penetrating the ovum, but in the embryo implanting successfully in the uterine wall.
** The medical establishment, however, is exploiting this discovery to advance the culture of death.** The researchers are working to develop a drug that would block the production of STAT3 to create a more effective chemical abortifacient “contraceptive.” The new drug will specifically target only the existing embryo for destruction and not effect the woman’s ovulation cycle. It is being lauded as an improvement to “contraception” that will avoid the dangerous side effects of tampering with the woman’s natural hormonal system and move only to directly kill the pre-born child.