U.S. to study putting fence at border

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U.S. to study putting fence at border
The study “on the use of physical barriers” was slipped into an amendment to a bill on border security and illegal immigration passed Friday by the U.S. House of Representatives. The amendment, sponsored by California Republican Duncan Hunter, also approved building security fences with lights and cameras along more than 1,000 kilometres of the U.S.-Mexico border in four states to keep out illegal aliens and drugs…

Alex Swann, spokesman for Canada’s Public Safety Minister insisted such a barrier would be impractical. “Just look at the Great Lakes”… “You typically have these diplomatic-type protests that speak stupidly of the Great Wall in Canada or some other nutty comparison,” Hunter told the National Conservative Weekly, noting there’s already a 23-kilometre stretch of fence in San Diego…

There have also been complaints from some U.S. legislators that Canadian immigration policies are too lax, although there are an estimated 50,000 to 120,000 people in Canada without legal status, compared with more than eight million in the United States. In 2004, the U.S. Border Patrol made over one million apprehensions on the southwestern border, compared with 10,000 at the Canadian line.

Canada has long fought the perception it’s a haven for terrorists, combatting the mistaken belief some of those involved in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks entered the United States from the north.
I see that the Mexican government is very upset about this. Probably because it makes their instruction book on how to sneak into the U.S. obsolete.
I think we should just invite Mexico to join the US. If you can’t secure the border, remove it.

They are putting up a physical fence - extreme.

Even the English didn’t go that far with the Welsh 😃
I think we should just invite Mexico to join the US. If you can’t secure the border, remove it.-D
The article is about putting a fence between **Canada **and the US.
If Canada or the United States puts this fence, will Ani Ibi who lives in Canada still be able to participate in the Catholic Answers Forum which is in the United States?

Will Vern Humphrey still be able to chat with Ani Ibi?

(c) 2005 The Eurasian, all rights reserved
Copyright 2005 by The Eurasian
The Eurasian:
If Canada or the United States puts this fence, will Ani Ibi who lives in Canada still be able to participate in the Catholic Answers Forum which is in the United States?

Will Vern Humphrey still be able to chat with Ani Ibi?

(c) 2005 The Eurasian, all rights reserved
Copyright 2005 by The Eurasian
Eurasian, that was really uncalled for. There is nothing in this thread for you to make this comment against Vern or Ani. There is no connection between the issue of a wall and Vern or Ani’s participation in these forums. Your post looks like a personal attack to me.
Philip P:
Eurasian, that was really uncalled for. There is nothing in this thread for you to make this comment against Vern or Ani. There is no connection between the issue of a wall and Vern or Ani’s participation in these forums. Your post looks like a personal attack to me.
Your tolerance or thermostat for humor is set too low, just like in the United States, loud noises are so offensive, when in other countries, it is like the joyful chirping of the birds. Do you know that people in other countries do not necessarily behave like people in the United States??? But you guys want to build MC DONALD’S ETC ALL OVER THE WORLD , RIGHT. HEH HEH HEH

Catholic Answers is an INTERNATIONAL FORUM. Ani Ibi is in Canada. Vern is perhaps in the US. Canada being a country foreign to the United States, I am just trying to experiment with Canadian humor a little bit. Sometimes we suceed, sometimes we fail.
The Eurasian:
Your tolerance or thermostat for humor is set too low, just like in the United States, loud noises are so offensive, when in other countries, it is like the joyful chirping of the birds. Do you know that people in other countries do not necessarily behave like people in the United States??? But you guys want to build MC DONALD’S ETC ALL OVER THE WORLD , RIGHT. HEH HEH HEH

Catholic Answers is an INTERNATIONAL FORUM. Ani Ibi is in Canada. Vern is perhaps in the US. Canada being a country foreign to the United States, I am just trying to experiment with Canadian humor a little bit. Sometimes we suceed, sometimes we fail.
Vern did not even comment on this thread and yet you mention him by name. It may have been an honest mistake on your part, but from where I’m standing your comment was uncalled for.
Philip P:
Vern did not even comment on this thread and yet you mention him by name. It may have been an honest mistake on your part, but from where I’m standing your comment was uncalled for.
Oh, I was just saying Hello to Vern, because he might be like you, thermostat for humor too low.

Do you know that Americans, for all their Christianity this, Christianity that, like President Bush and many governors have executed by capital punishment a lot of prisoners, and now, they have graduated into killing, perhaps thousands of Iraqis?

Look at a former colony of the United States, the Philippines, for example. Can you see that Imelda Marcos was not even imprisoned??? I think one of her children was even elected governor or and another one or 2 a Philippine congressman. Yet, it is suspected that President Marcos ordered the assasination of Senator Aquino, husband of Pres. Corazon Aquino, the successor of Ferdinand Marcos.

Look, despite being a former colony of the United States, maybe 55 years militarily and maybe a 100 years economically,— when 2 American Protestant missionaries were kidnapped just a few years ago in I think a Basilan Island, the government of this 85% Roman Catholic Country sent according to Sec. Rumsfeld, 6,000 Filipino soldiers. They searched 24 hours a day for about a year for these 2 americans, 1 Filipina nurse, and their captors. And Sec Rumsfeld, repeated his statement again because he was so impressed that this country of Roman Catholics sent 6000 to search for just 2 Americans. Don’t teach the whole world everything American!!! Because Americans have a lot to learn from people in other countries too!!!
vern humphrey:
We’ll have to build two pipelines, so he can get his Gulf chocolate and latte.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
I knew this was coming. I started digging my tunnel last Spring. I’m half way through Pennsylvania right now. Got a fair bit more to dig before I get to the Ozarks.

For those of you who simply must discuss the Mexican fence – although why you would pass up our good sensible Canadian chicken wire, i dunno – here is a link from the BBC:

US migrant bill heads for Senate
The US Senate is due to debate the bill in turn in February…

The House voted 239-182 for legislation which:
  • forces employers to verify the status of workers and raises fines against those who knowingly hire illegal aliens
  • orders the construction of a hi-tech fence along parts of the US border with Mexico and asks for a study on using barriers along the Canadian border
  • makes it a felony to live in the US illegally instead of a civil offence and toughens penalties for document fraud
  • enlists military and local law enforcement to help stop illegal entrants.
A controversial call to deny babies born to illegal residents US citizenship was not allowed into the legislation.

I think these fences will create a lot of work which solves the problem of illegal immigrants in the first place. :rotfl: But, really, if we’re going to go to that stupendous expense, I think we should simply dig two gargantuan canals in order to improve shipping to Asia. That would solve the problem of Quebec separating (they have themselves parked on the St Lawrence Seaway) and the problem of making NAFTA work. It would also give Saskatchewan a waterfront.

As for chatting with Vern, it’ll have to be by semaphore from now on:

All these talks about fences really does not make any sense from a religious point of view and from an economic point of view.

Mainland China is a big country, a big economy. The European Union is also a big economy. WE ARE AMONG GIANTS!!! Mexico, Canada, the USA, should all unite so that we will be as big or bigger than our competitors.
All these talks about fences really does not make any sense from a religious point of view and from an economic point of view.
Mainland China is a big country, a big economy. The European Union is also a big economy. WE ARE AMONG GIANTS!!! Mexico, Canada, the USA, should all unite so that we will be as big or bigger than our competitors.

Libero is from South Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM, European Union. heh heh heh heh
I thought Manchester seceded from the EU. 😃
It wouldn’t surprise me if Manchester put a fence up around itself. Fences are common on that Island. Scotland has the Hadrian Wall between itself and the southerners. Wales even dug a trench.

I don’t believe it has kept the enterprising English from going wither they will, however, and working willy nilly all over the place. And blaming it on the travellers. 😉

Actually Hadrian built his wall to keep the Scots out. But, in fact, the Scots proceeded to take over the world with their wit, enterprise, curiosity, good looks, and charm. To say nothing of their superior piping.

As for our own much awaited wall, the Canadian pole-vaulting team is trying out a new extendable pole for purposes of mall-runs to Burlington. Life must go on in the post-wall era.

Which reminds me, a good wall deserves a good name. Thoughts?
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