Ufo's and Aliens!

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I have a co-worker (non-practicing catholic) who believes in aliens, spaceships (ufo’s), etc. In my opinion they don’t exist, i think if they did for me it would throw my faith into a crisis. Because would these “aliens” need a messiah too and how would that wotk, how would they fit into God’s plan? My co-worker says look at the universe it is so big and vast and we can only see a small part of it there has to be other intelligent life out there other than just us, I said i don’t think so what purpose would outer space serve, why is it so big if we can only see a small part of it?
I always thought that we can’t see a certain distance into the universe because that is where heaven is? maybe not?

I had a roommate that thought the world was created by aliens as a science project…this was the same guy who had more toys than a 2 year old and wanted to be Harry Potter…he was 23.
Aliens? UFO’s? why not?
If there are other intelligent life forms, then that is the way God made it. We do know one thing for sure though…
We are human, we have souls, and God saved them from evil so we could be with him.
Work on that, believe in that, and your life will be peaceful.
God Bless,

In my opinion they don’t exist, i think if they did for me it would throw my faith into a crisis. Because would these “aliens” need a messiah too and how would that wotk, how would they fit into God’s plan?
Hmm…if it’s really God’s plan, He’s probably got all the figured out, right? Anyway, I’d say that if they needed a Messiah (what if they never fell from Grace?), Christ would be sufficient for them, because His sacrifice was once and for all.
The notion of alien life generally relies upon an assumption that we evolved, and there is a grave doubt that we evolved, or that God works through evolution. Creation science is really coming along, as if it were needed anyway. Also, check into geocentrism. The earth is the very center of creation. A good related resource is Walter Brown’s work on what he calls hydroplate theory, a theory that unifies a wide range of details concerning the Flood and observable geography as well as biology and other matters.
The notion of alien life generally relies upon an assumption that we evolved, and there is a grave doubt that we evolved, or that God works through evolution. Creation science is really coming along, as if it were needed anyway. Also, check into geocentrism. The earth is the very center of creation. A good related resource is Walter Brown’s work on what he calls hydroplate theory, a theory that unifies a wide range of details concerning the Flood and observable geography as well as biology and other matters.
Geocentrism might work on a metaphysical level, since Christ’s sacrifice would make it the center of time and space, but technically, the universe is expanding at an equal rate, so any point in space would be the center of creation.

Regarding the notion of alien life, I don’t base any assumption on evolution at all. I figure that God is infinitely powerful and that if He chose to generate life on another planet, that’s His prerogative. Since we haven’t discovered proof of its existence or absence, and since the Church hasn’t declared its impossibility, I believe we can speculate about the theological implications of alien life forms.
Aliens? UFO’s? why not?
If there are other intelligent life forms, then that is the way God made it. We do know one thing for sure though…
We are human, we have souls, and God saved them from evil so we could be with him.
Work on that, believe in that, and your life will be peaceful.
God Bless,

Aliens? Common people, wouldn’t have God mentioned it in the bible? There can’t be aliens because God would have mentioned it.

UFO’s and Aliens are just deceptions (not to be confused with the Decepticons fro the Transformers cartoon), there are so many demons running around this world that you can’t help but trip over them every once in a while.
Dr. Colossus:
Hmm…if it’s really God’s plan, He’s probably got all the figured out, right? Anyway, I’d say that if they needed a Messiah (what if they never fell from Grace?), Christ would be sufficient for them, because His sacrifice was once and for all.
Well it would sure make for some interesting evangization stories, now wouldn’t it!!! 😃

It would not pose a crisis for my faith if there are aliens out there. The way I figure, hey, why would God have made all that space if not to put something or someone else in it? Seems sorta like a waste to just have it filled with rocks, gas, etc.
I think that there must be life on other planets, otherwise, as ccav pointed out, why is the universe so vast? And, lots of things aren’t mentioned in the scriptures, including much of what science has discovered such as dinosaurs, radiowaves, other planets and solar systems, moons orbiting Jupiter, subatomic particles, DNA, radioactive materials, fossil fuels, blackholes… well, you get the picture.

As far as UFO’s, I think distances bettween habitable planets rules that out. I don’t think space travel is practical, even Stephen Hawking says it is unlikely if not impossible that it will occur to the extent required for encounters of a third kind.
Yes, the universe is vast, but we don’t even know if half of it exist or not yet…Stars are millions of light years away…some of them may not even be in existence anymore and we have not yet seen what they look like currently.
The Universe may appear to us as one thing in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense all that vast space may be something else…space as we see it may just be a disguise.
Aliens are stupid…they always try to take over galaxies and we make cheesy sci fi movies out of it…:rotfl:
Ah, your comment reminds me of one of the all time greatest TV shows!!! 😃
HA! Mystery Science Theatre was hilarious!!!..too bad it isn’t on anymore and they only show reruns!
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