Salvete, omnes!
When one asks, “What is the ultimate end (τελος) of life?”, many of us might be tempted to answer “love”, “relationship with God/others”, or “righteousness”. But, when you really get down to it, couldn’t we logically say that this ultimate end is “happiness” or “joy”, which, of course, is achieved by means of love/relationship/righteousness/etc.? After all, the ultimate aim of love is the best for another person whose best is sought for the purpose of achieving his/her joy? Is not relationship a kind of sharing in the happiness/joy of others and also, through love, seeking that happiness/joy? Is not righteousness a seeking of the best for oneself/others through our ultimate example of this, God? So, then, happiness/joy is at the true root of these and other virtues? (I will grant that this happiness/joy may also include things other than material happiness such as spiritual happiness as found in such attributes as peace.)
Am I being completely heretical here? Has the Church said otherwise on this matter in an authoritative (infallible) manner, so that any statement to the contrary is untrue?
If not, I would also be interested to hear the comments/elaborations of others on this topic. Have there been other Catholic doctors who have expounded on this in the past? I would be interested to know who and be able to read some of their writing on the subject.
When one asks, “What is the ultimate end (τελος) of life?”, many of us might be tempted to answer “love”, “relationship with God/others”, or “righteousness”. But, when you really get down to it, couldn’t we logically say that this ultimate end is “happiness” or “joy”, which, of course, is achieved by means of love/relationship/righteousness/etc.? After all, the ultimate aim of love is the best for another person whose best is sought for the purpose of achieving his/her joy? Is not relationship a kind of sharing in the happiness/joy of others and also, through love, seeking that happiness/joy? Is not righteousness a seeking of the best for oneself/others through our ultimate example of this, God? So, then, happiness/joy is at the true root of these and other virtues? (I will grant that this happiness/joy may also include things other than material happiness such as spiritual happiness as found in such attributes as peace.)
Am I being completely heretical here? Has the Church said otherwise on this matter in an authoritative (infallible) manner, so that any statement to the contrary is untrue?
If not, I would also be interested to hear the comments/elaborations of others on this topic. Have there been other Catholic doctors who have expounded on this in the past? I would be interested to know who and be able to read some of their writing on the subject.