What is the churches teaching on saving umbilical cord blood? and if it is ok, what blood banks do you recommend?
We process cord blood in the lab where I work. We’re conducting a large-scale population study on allergies and asthma in children from birth and the cord blood is how we establish baseline for these children. We extract and test plasma, DNA, RNA, and other white blood cell components.I just listened to an program on EWTN radio last week discussing a lot of life issues, this being one of them.
What I remember him saying is that there really isn’t enough scientific knowledge of how to use the cord blood. And no one knows how long the cord blood will remain usable. It isn’t regulated by any government agencies (since it’s kind of an unknown), so who knows what standards these companies keep? I’ve decided not to do it myself.
First- the same could be said for their college fundsWouldn’t it be better to donate it for free (which then can be used by anyone who is in need of it), rather than store it privately for thousands of dollars?