Ummm, I need prayer

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I’m feeling weird & I don’t know why. I don’t know if I lost my faith or what, but, I sure am not on fire anymore. I have asked myself if I still believe in God (AND, I’m pretty sure I do), and if I believe Jesus is His Son (again, I think so), BUT, even as such, I don’t know what I’m having issues with, if it’s the Eucharist or what…I just don’t know what my problem is, but, I’ve somewhre along the way, lost faith, I guess. I just don’t get it anymore. I’ve prayed to God that I follow His Church always, but, for some reason, I’m doubting it. (I’ve though, “Maybe it’s not the Catholic Church” – which would leave Protestant, and the two cults – and, I don’t think I can go along with that.) I’ve wondered if I could go back to athiest, and, I don’t think so.

I don’t know…maybe it’s because I was freaking out about God’s forgiveness & all & this is the result…I don’t know.

I don’t know what I’m not getting, but, I’m asking for all your prayers because I want it back.

P.S. I’m not trolling or anything, but, I am posting this both in Apologetics & The Water Cooler.

Thank you all so much in advance.
In St. John of the Cross’ writings, he speaks of periods of spiritual dryness. Maybe you are going through one of these. I experience this sometimes (I think). In a way it is a test. Perservere and do not give up. If you perservere, it will end and things will become more clear again. I have said a prayer for you.

God Bless,

My dear friend,
Try not to focus so much on your feelings because they can mislead you. Our faith is a response to truth…not an emotional “feel good” thing. Read St Therese the Little Flower’s autobiography “Story of A Soul” she endured the very same things you feel, and talks about it freely. It sure helped me.

When I get like that I simply present myself to God and tell Him just what’s goin’ on with me and hand it to Him. I’m usually better in a flash and it gets easier every time it happens. remember too that te temptation to doubt is not sin, but one of the devils favorite things that can lead to sin. Recognize it for what it is. Part of the spiritual warfare. Pray and give it to God then ask for protection. (I use the St. Michael Prayer).
Hang in and Pax vobiscum,

Saint Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
In St. John of the Cross’ writings, he speaks of periods of spiritual dryness. Maybe you are going through one of these. I experience this sometimes (I think). In a way it is a test. Perservere and do not give up. If you perservere, it will end and things will become more clear again. I have said a prayer for you.
This is just what I was thinking when I read your post. Dark Night of the Soul, perhaps?

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