Unanswered novena?

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I did a 24 day novena to st therese, asking to see a rose petal, a rose or be given one.

I asked her for reassurance that I was in a state of grace, as know people like st john vianney talks of the sins God no longer pardons. I have other worries of end times marks etc

I just wanted to see if I was in good relationship with God.

Sadly it went unanswered, nearly everyone I’ve spoken to has always had their novena answererd by st therese in some way,

It’s not like i’m asking for a sports car. I just wanted reassurance I was in God’s grace.

I feel pretty sad about it.
What sins no longer pardoned? I’m genuinely curious.

Nonetheless, I’m no expert on the faith, but honestly I find it a bit dicey to ask for anything physical. As you said, I know its not a sports car, but regardless, I would say keep it purely petitioning for a spiritual work.

As far as the end times mark, if you’re referring to the mark of the beast being the masks, I would be extremely hard boiled to say this is anything close. For one thing, we need an antichrist to force the mark on all peoples of a the world, which i dont think is there. Also, the mark was said to be forced on pain of death, and as far as I can tell, there are many who just walk into stores and in public without one on anyway, so i doubt that as well.

As far as being in a state of grace, ill admit I struggke with this a bit myself, but ultimately, if you have fully examined your conscience, confessed every sin you know of, and repented/are repenting, you should have hope. Im sure I speak for everyone when I say some sins can be difficult to repent of, but if youre genuinely trying, God sees that, and He knows our hearts better than we do. Just keep a humble mind, a contrite heart, and be mindful of other sins you may have commuted, then confess them.

Hope this helps!
This is a superstitious use of a novena.

How do you know you are in God’s Grace? Go to confession when you are aware of serious sin, frequent the sacraments, and pray. There is no special novena needed.
I have other worries of end times marks etc
Stop reading whatever whack a doodle blog you are getting end time nonsense from.

The Church is your sure norm. Are the bishops running around worried about the end times? NO.

Be at peace.

Make an appointment with your pastor to speak about your spiritual anxiety.
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I asked her for reassurance that I was in a state of grace, as know people like st john vianney talks of the sins God no longer pardons. I have other worries of end times marks etc
The Church teaches that God pardons any and all sins that you sincerely repent of. That’s really all you need to know. Don’t go hunting for isolated, out of context statements about damnation and doom and gloom to feed your anxiety.
i had an aunt who was praying a novena for the sake of her children and i had no idea about it but she stopped by our country house with her grandchildren on way back to her home in vermont and i baked cookies for them at last minute which i later learned the boys gobbled up on the long car ride home so my aunt was cleaning up the cookie tray and she was astounded to see the clear wrap i had put the cookies into had a design she could see in the sunlight coming through her kitchen window. I had no plastic wrap to put the cookies in so i grabbed a lovely celephane wrap i had saved from a dear friends gift to me in my craft box, and on it was little tiny red roses…my aunt was just beginning to have macular degeneration but the sunlight coming in just then in her vermont kitchen sink window allowed her to see the roses and she called me right away and told me all about the novena and that she knew then that her prayers were going to be answered…
My parish priest said to be careful with novenas because it can lead to superstition. ymmv.
We can pray novenas and then let the Lord decide.

When feeling badly continue to pray and also speak to your priest.
Trust in God and so his church. If you are living by the sacraments ie confession and mass and using a good examination of conscience then you are fine. Let God lead you. Talk to you confessor about your concerns and listen to what he says.

Stop reading end of times stuff. It is useful to know of this but if it is causing you anxiety then you have let it into the present time too much. We live now in the present. Jesus said to St Faustina that two things stop people receiving his grace (other than sin ) and those are exaggerated anxiety and discouragement. So as St Francis de sales says ‘stay calm and cling to God’ . I suggest you google the Litany of trust and say it daily. God bless
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