Understanding the Cross and Jesus' Passion for the forgiveness of our sins

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ok well this is sort of embarassing to ask and im ashamed that icant always fully grasp this concept…

why did jesus have to die on a cross to forgive us our sins? It seems like a very painful way… i dont reject that our sins need to be forgiven, and i do not take away from the passion of the cross… but i have a hard time understnaing why he needed to be killed

how the blood from the cross cleanses us… is it because in the OT in order to forgive sins they slaughtered animals as sacrfice?

so i understand that it is an act… i understnad that he is god in the flesh and that he lived without sin and preached gods gospel… i understand that it is impossible for humans to come into contact with god because of the sin that seperated us, our relatioship…i understand that he helped us understand and “see” the father, get a taste of his divinity and become his sons through his adoption…

but why couldnt he have simply said, if you believe i walk on water your sins are forgiven? why did he have to be killed and how is it that his blood that dripped on calvary is what cleanses us… many people use the sentence… through his blood we are cleansed, and i want to understand it more deeply

any helpw ould be appreciated
It’s ok that you don’t understand it. Really, it was out of love. One drop of Jesus’ precious blood, and we would all have been saved. It was not necessary for Jesus to actually die on the cross to redeem us. It just goes to show us all how much love God actually has for all of us. Remember, the shedding of blood was necessary, but the actual death was not. That is what a priest told me once during a Bible study. Admittedly - I knew exactly as much as you did before that 😉
ok well this is sort of embarassing to ask and im ashamed that icant always fully grasp this concept…

why did jesus have to die on a cross to forgive us our sins?..etc
Here is my personal opinion  (not an official Catholic position)........Before creation God was at "rest".  Then God began to ACT.  God is both Perfect Virtue and Perfect ACT.  Therefore, in one sense, we might look at creation as a by-product of God's perfect ACT.  How?  God's perfect Justice and Extroverted Powers are expressed Perfectly "outward" or "upward".....while God's introverted Virtues like Perfect Mercy, Humility, Patience ...etc...are expressed "downward" into the regions of possible creations like you and me....human beings.....the weakest, most fragile and LEAST volitional of all created beings that God COULD express eternal mercy towards.
  Thus, in one sense, God died for the LEAST of creation as an expression of Perfect LOVE and humility and mercy and obedience.....etc.  "There is no greater Love than this that one lay down His life for his friends"......"And yet Christ died for us even when we were yet sinners...".   Therefore, Jesus is a UNIFIED expression of God's Perfect virtue as He....more and more set aside EQUALITY with God and showed Perfect Trust in the Father....to the point of feeling completely abandoned on the Holy Cross.  "Father into your hands I comend my Spirit"
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