So Beaver…let me get this right. I was married once and I worked and he didn’t so I am a feminist by your definition. I had 4 children by this man, while I worked and while I paid all the bills and while I paid for him to go to school. I am an evil feminist? I hate men and their seed? I think not. I was doing what I had to do to ensure the survival of my family. Fastforward about 9 years…He has actually been working for 2 years and I am still working too. On his days off he still won’t watch our children, on my days off I have them. Finally one day he walks out the door…takes all the money and leaves the kids. No Child support, no phone calls no visitation with his own flesh and blood. I work because I have to. I have no clue if I would work or stay at home if I had the choice because I have never had the choice. My children have food in their bellies and clothes on their backs because I provided it for them. Yet in this you think I am wrong, that i somehow hate men and their seed? It has been about 8-9 years since he walked out. I stayed at home with them every second I wasn’t working to provide for them. I had no breaks, no dates or vacations away from my children, it was me all the time…yet somehow this is my fault? Surely I am responsible for my part and I accept there is a part of the burden that is mine in the demise of our marriage…but what about him? It definitely wasn’t about my working…that is why he stayed as long as he did …a whole 13 years, because I did everything…the laundry, the cooking, the working, the nurturing, etc. I was his free ride in life! No Beaver I don’t hate men or their seed even after all I went through to survive with my children. I love men, I have not lost faith in God, if anything my faith is stronger for what I have gone through. My sons and daughter are very wonderful moral people. They pray for their dad, that he will someday get better and not hate himself for what he did to them.
Before you blame working women for the plight of mankind, think of all the mom’s like me that had no choices. I am strong, and I am loving all at the same time. I can manage more than just my household…because I had too. It didn’t take away from the fact that I raised my kids and they are turning out pretty well. If I was adversarial I would blame men like my ex that just up and leave and not support their children for the moral decay and plight of our nation, but i know there are many good men out there. I blame apathy and ingratitude. I blame selfishness, everybody wanting their way. I blame liberals…yes liberals for trying to legitimize the way I have had to live for everybody. Their welfare programs that suck you in so you can’t get a job if you want one. The “politically correct” way we cannot condemn immoral behavior. I could go on and on. But the truth of the matter is that society has not made a huge impact on my family because they are grounded in Christ. If more parents spent their time teaching their children about God than they do trying to buy the kid everything they ever wanted, there would be more kids growing up with moral values and passing them on to their children…