Unequally yoke marriage

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How do you handle an un equally yoke marriage? How do you handle not attending mass together? How do you handle the kids not wanting to go to mass? I’d like to hear everyone’s but am highly interested in a males point of view. And what about myself I may need to correct to encourage my wife. What maybe something holding her back form the faith. She doesn’t speak on the matter other than she feels I force her.
Were you Catholic when you got married? Did she understand your obligation to attend Mass and raise the children as Catholics?
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Yes we were married in the catholic. We are both cradle Catholic. She has a bit more participation in the Catholic Church as a child. I have reminded her about our commitment. We have made some decent step forward. I really wanted to hear some witnesses on this matter.
You can’t force your faith on anyone. All you can do is lead by example. Go to mass cheerfully, not because you have to go. I don’t know how old your children are, but if they are young, you can bring them without your wife if she does not attend. Teach them about Catholicism without lecturing, but with firmness.
I really wanted to hear some witnesses on this matter.
I’m not sure anyone here is going to be able to give you specific advice since we don’t know your wife. We’re just anonymous people on the internet.

I do think, as others have said, is that the best thing is just to be a good example and live your faith cheerfully. That’s going to be more persuasive than lecturing her.
Ok, so you’re not actually unequally yoked; it’s that you’re more active in the faith you both share.

Have you asked her why she doesn’t want to attend? Is it something about the parish? Church teaching?

I agree with others that your best bet is to model the joy of the faith, and take your children to church.
Talk to her in terms of your feeling overwhelmed with having the whole responsibility of taking the kids to Mass and ask her to help you in the matter. Why does she not want to go to Mass? Is there something you can do such as choose a different Mass time? Is she concerned about virus exposure? You need to ask her for help and get to the specific issues that make her not want to attend.
That scripture refers to a believer marrying an unbeliever.

You are both Catholic.

Can you have conversations that do not become debates or heated about why she feels the way she does?

Remember, we cannot force someone, even our spouse, into a relationship with Christ and His Church. We CAN be such examples of joy that we are contagious.
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