Unforgiven sins

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So, what happens to the unconfessed, mortal sins of people who die? We know they get wiped away when we repent and that we need to make reperation for these sins in this life or/and in purgatory. What becomes of the sins of the damned? Do they just remain in their souls forever as an scar never to be healed? I’m just wondering how this works 🙂

Thanks in advance 🙂
My understanding is that the damned pretty much mire themselves in their unrepented mortal sins for all eternity.
An unforgiven mortal sin is a ticket to hell. One way to keep the person out of hell is if he or his family prays the Chaplet of Mercy at the time of His death. See the promises of Jesus to St Mary Faustina. Jesus will stand as the Minister of Mercy at His death at the Mercy seat and not as His Judge at His Judgement seat. Thank you Jesus.
An unforgiven mortal sin is a ticket to hell. One way to keep the person out of hell is if he or his family prays the Chaplet of Mercy at the time of His death. See the promises of Jesus to St Mary Faustina. Jesus will stand as the Minister of Mercy at His death at the Mercy seat and not as His Judge at His Judgement seat. Thank you Jesus.
Private revelation is not a reliable source for sound truth. Especially not where it is said that performing a prayer will guarantee a specific benefit. That is bordering on superstition. It is better to pray with the hope that a person will repent.
private revelation is not a reliable source for sound truth. Especially not where it is said that performing a prayer will guarantee a specific benefit. That is bordering on superstition. It is better to pray with the hope that a person will repent.
the church backs the divine mercy chaplet and sunday. The sunday is the first sunday after easter. So this is more than superstition.
Jesus said he is burning inside w so much mercy that he is begging us to reach out and pray for his mercy for us. I have not read the diary of st faustina. I have 10 pages of a synopsis of her visions. I was in awe. Pope john paul ii was very respectful of the chaplet of mercy.
When you think about our asking for our forgiveness, it is his mercy that clears the sin.
I am not yelling w caps. It is just to separate our notes.i had a near death experience recently and my last thoughts were,“jesus forgive me for my sins.” so i was happy it was a good run. Now, i need to get out pour our your mercy on me and bring me home.
So, what happens to the unconfessed, mortal sins of people who die? We know they get wiped away when we repent and that we need to make reperation for these sins in this life or/and in purgatory. What becomes of the sins of the damned? Do they just remain in their souls forever as an scar never to be healed? I’m just wondering how this works 🙂

Thanks in advance 🙂
The problem with mortal sins is that they are incompatible with charity (that is, supernatural love for God), and so, when we commit them, we lose the presence of God in our souls (also known as “sanctifying grace”).

If were were to die in that state, we would essentially be incapable of loving God and unable to remedy the situation. Therefore, the sight of His Glory would cause us horror and frustration. That is, in essence, what happens to the condemned.

Sins are not exactly “scars” in the soul: they are just actions, but they have the effect (if they are grave or “mortal”) of killing off the sanctifying grace in our souls. Those who die without repenting of such sins will, regrettably, reap the bitter fruit of their rebelliousness.

Sins actually do produce a kind of “scar” (especially if they are repeated) that we call a “vice,” or a tendency to commit the same kind of sin again. (However, a vice is not the same thing as a sin, just its fruit.)

To heal vices, in addition to repenting, we need to take contrary action (doing acts of supernatural love if we have failed in charity, being chaste if we have committed acts of lust, and so on). If we are not completely healed when we die, there is the opportunity to finish the healing process in Purgatory.
Nobody can answer that question! Nobody. Only God knows
Someone posted the beginning of the Divine Mercy Chaplet which I keep forgetting. See Divine Mercy Chaplet.org??
In your last breath, if a sincere “I am sorry” is offered. It is rec’d and forgiven. That is gospel. It is between God and the sinner. Train your thoughts to be," I;m sorry, God, forgive me and pour out your mercy."
Sins are not exactly “scars” in the soul: they are just actions, but they have the effect (if they are grave or “mortal”) of killing off the sanctifying grace in our souls. Those who die without repenting of such sins will, regrettably, reap the bitter fruit of their rebelliousness.
If they aren’t “scars”, so to speak, then how come the sin of Adam and Eve caused such catastrophic effects, including things pertaining to their natural bodies like, the capacity to receive sicknesses, break our harmony with all living creatures, and other things of the sort? Part of their soul was altered in some way due to their sin, right? Wouldn’t this be evidence of a “scar” of sorts?
Since our own, personal sins “hurt” our souls by trying to strain away from the Creator, and compound our human tendencies towards lesser things, wouldn’t this be a sort of “further injury” to the soul?
So, what happens to the unconfessed, mortal sins of people who die? We know they get wiped away when we repent and that we need to make reperation for these sins in this life or/and in purgatory. What becomes of the sins of the damned? Do they just remain in their souls forever as an scar never to be healed? I’m just wondering how this works 🙂

Thanks in advance 🙂
God is the Most Grace and Mercy so God can forgive sins. In Islam mortal sins are called big/major sins. That terrific sins can be forgiven if sinner repent for forgiveness. But every sin put a scar in soul so that scar must be remove and treat with repentance.

God forgive all sins but except rejection.

If some’s sins will not be forgiven in the Account Day then that will go in Hell and pay for sins(so Hell clean the sins) after this that can get into Heavens. But unbelievers will stay in Hell forever.

Believing in original sin is not viable and right for Islam because Islam says nobody will pay for other’s sin. Indeed human was created as weak so we took that poor disposition as heritage from our father and mother (Adam and Eve). We are not sinful but we are fond of to commit sins.
My understanding is that the damned pretty much mire themselves in their unrepented mortal sins for all eternity.
That’s pretty much it, if you refuse to repent and want God you choose to go through eternity without him.

God will not forgive you for your sins if you are not sorry.
God is the Most Grace and Mercy so God can forgive sins. In Islam mortal sins are called big/major sins. That terrific sins can be forgiven if sinner repent for forgiveness. But every sin put a scar in soul so that scar must be remove and treat with repentance.

God forgive all sins but except rejection.

If some’s sins will not be forgiven in the Account Day then that will go in Hell and pay for sins(so Hell clean the sins) after this that can get into Heavens. But unbelievers will stay in Hell forever.

Believing in original sin is not viable and right for Islam because Islam says nobody will pay for other’s sin. Indeed human was created as weak so we took that poor disposition as heritage from our father and mother (Adam and Eve). We are not sinful but we are fond of to commit sins.
Well said. 👍
God is the Most Grace and Mercy so God can forgive sins. In Islam mortal sins are called big/major sins. That terrific sins can be forgiven if sinner repent for forgiveness. But every sin put a scar in soul so that scar must be remove and treat with repentance.

God forgive all sins but except rejection.

If some’s sins will not be forgiven in the Account Day then that will go in Hell and pay for sins(so Hell clean the sins) after this that can get into Heavens. But unbelievers will stay in Hell forever.

Believing in original sin is not viable and right for Islam because Islam says nobody will pay for other’s sin. Indeed human was created as weak so we took that poor disposition as heritage from our father and mother (Adam and Eve). We are not sinful but we are fond of to commit sins.
I believe the question was if a person refused to repent. I have never heard you can go to hell and be cleansed from your sins, this is not Catholic teaching.

Hell means you reject God and always will.
I believe the question was if a person refused to repent. I have never heard you can go to hell and be cleansed from your sins, this is not Catholic teaching.

Hell means you reject God and always will.
That is Islamic teaching. That meaning is interpreted amiss and understood from Quran and defined and told in Hadiths.

There are believers who commit much sins and if God will not forgive those sins then those sinners will go in Hell but they will not stay in Hell forever because they have faith. The unbelievers stay in Hell as everlasting.

In Catholic teaching what will be for sinners(believer) who will not be forgiven?

The absence of forgiving maybe many reasons. Forexample if some violate other’s rights hence God will not forgive the violater unless satisfy who was exposed to violate. So if whom came under violate would not forgive the other(violater) then God will punish violater. Or some commits so many mortal sins and God may not forgive. And some does not confess. etc. But after death confessing and repentance is not use and God will not accept that because with death the exam is finished.
That is Islamic teaching. That meaning is interpreted amiss and understood from Quran and defined and told in Hadiths.

There are believers who commit much sins and if God will not forgive those sins then those sinners will go in Hell but they will not stay in Hell forever because they have faith. The unbelievers stay in Hell as everlasting.

In Catholic teaching what will be for sinners(believer) who will not be forgiven?

The absence of forgiving maybe many reasons. Forexample if some violate other’s rights hence God will not forgive the violater unless satisfy who was exposed to violate. So if whom came under violate would not forgive the other(violater) then God will punish violater. Or some commits so many mortal sins and God may not forgive. And some does not confess. etc. But after death confessing and repentance is not use and God will not accept that because with death the exam is finished.
In Catholic teaching, the only sin that is unforgivable is the one that the sinner refuses to admit to God that he/she committed (if the sinner has simply forgotten a sin, it is forgiven with all remembered sins) or the one in which the sinner refuses to rectify an ongoing sin (the most common being sexual in nature - usually, living in a marital relationship without being in a valid marriage). The general way that a sinner admits to God that he/she committed a certain sin (especially mortal sins) is through the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation. However, if one is truly sorry for his/her sins and is prevented from going to Confession/Reconciliation, his/her sins are forgiven (this is why the Church prays for all who have died - because we don’t know who was penitent at the point of death or not, so we assume, in hope, that all are). But if one refuses to repent of one’s mortal sins before death, then the person has refused God’s mercy and has eternally chosen love of self over love of God. The abode of Hell is for all those who have decided to love themselves instead of God. If one has eternally decided to love oneself, then love of God is impossible. This is why there is no repentance or hope for those in Hell - those in Hell refuse to love God above themselves. They have made themselves into their own gods. It is not that God will not allow them to repent - it is that their hearts have been so hardened by their own refusal to love God that even if the doors to Hell were open so that the damned could leave if they wanted to, they would never want to.
If they aren’t “scars”, so to speak, then how come the sin of Adam and Eve caused such catastrophic effects, including things pertaining to their natural bodies like, the capacity to receive sicknesses, break our harmony with all living creatures, and other things of the sort? Part of their soul was altered in some way due to their sin, right? Wouldn’t this be evidence of a “scar” of sorts?
Since our own, personal sins “hurt” our souls by trying to strain away from the Creator, and compound our human tendencies towards lesser things, wouldn’t this be a sort of “further injury” to the soul?
Sorry, my first answer might have been misleading. What I meant was, a “sin” is an action. It is not a “scar” any more than (say) getting a cut or scrape is a scar.

However, in additional to its principal effect (the loss of sanctifying grace, in the case of serious sins), sin produces a scar (just as getting injured produces a physical scar), mostly in the form of vices (the tendency to repeat the same sin again).

That is an important distinction, because God forgives our sins long before all of the effects (scars) of that sin have been healed. Those scars need to be healed, either in this life, or in Purgatory after we die, before we can enjoy a perfect union with God in Heaven.
In Catholic teaching, the only sin that is unforgivable is the one that the sinner refuses to admit to God that he/she committed (if the sinner has simply forgotten a sin, it is forgiven with all remembered sins) or the one in which the sinner refuses to rectify an ongoing sin (the most common being sexual in nature - usually, living in a marital relationship without being in a valid marriage). The general way that a sinner admits to God that he/she committed a certain sin (especially mortal sins) is through the Sacrament of Confession/Reconciliation. However, if one is truly sorry for his/her sins and is prevented from going to Confession/Reconciliation, his/her sins are forgiven (this is why the Church prays for all who have died - because we don’t know who was penitent at the point of death or not, so we assume, in hope, that all are). But if one refuses to repent of one’s mortal sins before death, then the person has refused God’s mercy and has eternally chosen love of self over love of God. The abode of Hell is for all those who have decided to love themselves instead of God. If one has eternally decided to love oneself, then love of God is impossible. This is why there is no repentance or hope for those in Hell - those in Hell refuse to love God above themselves. They have made themselves into their own gods. It is not that God will not allow them to repent - it is that their hearts have been so hardened by their own refusal to love God that even if the doors to Hell were open so that the damned could leave if they wanted to, they would never want to.
That is good. But that point “But if one refuses to repent of one’s mortal sins before death then the person has refused God’s mercy and has eternally chosen love of self over love of God.,” is not right for Islam. Even in Islam some groups say if some commit mortal sin then he lost faith. But that is not true and Sunna does not accept this. Because the faith is the most high fact in universe and nothing can be more importand than faith.

So if some commit sin and does not repent hence he/she is not unbeliever but he/she is to be sinner. And sinner can get into Heavens(ofcourse just with faith). If some commit sin he/she does not lose God’s love eternally! Ofcourse God does not love sins. But humanbeing have many senses and many compulsions which empose human to commit sins.That compulsions do not obey logic and mind. Some maybe sinful but he does not lose faith.

And if some intentionally refuse to repent then indeed he has problems with faith. So he must support faith.
That is good. But that point “But if one refuses to repent of one’s mortal sins before death then the person has refused God’s mercy and has eternally chosen love of self over love of God.,” is not right for Islam. Even in Islam some groups say if some commit mortal sin then he lost faith. But that is not true and Sunna does not accept this. Because the faith is the most high fact in universe and nothing can be more importand than faith.

So if some commit sin and does not repent hence he/she is not unbeliever but he/she is to be sinner. And sinner can get into Heavens(ofcourse just with faith). If some commit sin he/she does not lose God’s love eternally! Ofcourse God does not love sins. But humanbeing have many senses and many compulsions which empose human to commit sins.That compulsions do not obey logic and mind. Some maybe sinful but he does not lose faith.

And if some intentionally refuse to repent then indeed he has problems with faith. So he must support faith.
It is not so much that the person has lost God’s love (God loves all of His creation. He, in fact, still loves Satan!) It is that, in Catholic teaching, God gave humans and angels free will. As such, if a person does not desire to be in Heaven, God will not force that person to go to Heaven. People (and angels) who are in Hell do not desire to be in Heaven. In fact, they consider Heaven to be detestable to them. I remember a short story I once heard to teach this point. The story went as follows: Every day, God loads a train full of all the people in Hell to show them Heaven. As soon as they saw Heaven and who was there, they immediately get back on the train to go back to Hell. God will not force Himself on those who refuse Him. Since Catholicism teaches that we have free will, it makes us as humans much more responsible for our own choices, and God respects those choices that we make.

Tell me if I’m wrong, but in my understanding, the concept of free will is considered blasphemous in Islam. As such, an eternity in Hell would make no sense, as the person would not be responsible for making the choices that would merit Hell.
It is not so much that the person has lost God’s love (God loves all of His creation. He, in fact, still loves Satan!) It is that, in Catholic teaching, God gave humans and angels free will. As such, if a person does not desire to be in Heaven, God will not force that person to go to Heaven. People (and angels) who are in Hell do not desire to be in Heaven. In fact, they consider Heaven to be detestable to them. I remember a short story I once heard to teach this point. The story went as follows: Every day, God loads a train full of all the people in Hell to show them Heaven. As soon as they saw Heaven and who was there, they immediately get back on the train to go back to Hell. God will not force Himself on those who refuse Him. Since Catholicism teaches that we have free will, it makes us as humans much more responsible for our own choices, and God respects those choices that we make.

Tell me if I’m wrong, but in my understanding, the concept of free will is considered blasphemous in Islam. As such, an eternity in Hell would make no sense, as the person would not be responsible for making the choices that would merit Hell.
Do you know the free will in Islam?

I tell: God gave all human free will. With that free will humans choose the bad and good deeds. With that free will some choose to believe in God and worship. And some use that free will to commit sins and rebel against God and reject. We are responsible for our choices with free will otherwise we must would assume God to be unjust!

But I did not tell anything about free will before, did I?

I just told some compulsions impose human to make wrong choices and commit sin. Isn’t that true?

God has many attributes and the love is one of these. God also has affection, mercy, grace, etc. But God does not love people who reject God. Otherwise God would not send unbelievers to hell. Right? But also God has affection and mercy for unbelievers. Because after a time the Hell fire will not distress people. Everyone will pay for sin in Hell for a time but after that they will get used to Hell pains and will not suffer anymore. You cannot describe this only with love but with all attributes of God.

Angels have free will but angels do not rebel against God. Angels perform what exactly God ordered. Whom you called as bad angels are Jins and Jins are not angel. Satan is a Jin but not an angel. There are good Jins too who do not rebel against God and God love them.
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