It is not so much that the person has lost God’s love (God loves all of His creation. He, in fact, still loves Satan!) It is that, in Catholic teaching, God gave humans and angels free will. As such, if a person does not desire to be in Heaven, God will not force that person to go to Heaven. People (and angels) who are in Hell do not desire to be in Heaven. In fact, they consider Heaven to be detestable to them. I remember a short story I once heard to teach this point. The story went as follows: Every day, God loads a train full of all the people in Hell to show them Heaven. As soon as they saw Heaven and who was there, they immediately get back on the train to go back to Hell. God will not force Himself on those who refuse Him. Since Catholicism teaches that we have free will, it makes us as humans much more responsible for our own choices, and God respects those choices that we make.
Tell me if I’m wrong, but in my understanding, the concept of free will is considered blasphemous in Islam. As such, an eternity in Hell would make no sense, as the person would not be responsible for making the choices that would merit Hell.