To open up we have to first explain what uniform means: Uniform is a state of being without variations in features. For example a liquid inside a pitcher is uniform if its feature, for example density doesn’t change by space and time.
One can easily understand that uniformity implements changelessness and vice versa.
God is uniform in all his features because he is changeless.
Creation has to be uniform in all its features otherwise it is biased which leads to preference. In another world what comes out of uniformity has to be uniform as well hence God can only create uniform being.
Freedom of will requires uniformity as well otherwise it is biased toward an experience hence we couldn’t be free otherwise.
My question is related to the last two entities namely creation and free will. How they could manifest themselves on something which is not uniform if they are uniform in another word changeless.
Your thought.
One can easily understand that uniformity implements changelessness and vice versa.
God is uniform in all his features because he is changeless.
Creation has to be uniform in all its features otherwise it is biased which leads to preference. In another world what comes out of uniformity has to be uniform as well hence God can only create uniform being.
Freedom of will requires uniformity as well otherwise it is biased toward an experience hence we couldn’t be free otherwise.
My question is related to the last two entities namely creation and free will. How they could manifest themselves on something which is not uniform if they are uniform in another word changeless.
Your thought.