Recently, I’ve been researching Catholic philosophy.
Basically classical metaphysics, classical theism & divine simplicity, dualism, materialism, the works.
So I understand that Catholic theology holds that God is wholly and divinely simple, Being Itself.
We can say God is Intellect Itself, and that he has power and love and goodness, but we can say them only analogically as God is of a completely different kind from us and the rest of existence.
But I’ve also been aware for quite some time of Idealism and it’s various derivations from both philosophical argumentation and scientific experimental evidence from quantum physics.
Now to start this off, here are a few videos to begin this with:
This first video is called The Introspective Argument.
It makes an argument for Idealism, the idea that matter doesn’t exist independent of observation and is actually made out of the same substance as the mind.
I would like to know what you guys over here have to say about this argument, especially if you’re acquianted with Thomistic metaphysics and philosophy and could analyse it from that perspective.
Now here are several videos trying to deduce Idealism from quantum mechanics. Specifically the double-slit experiment:
youtube.com/watch?v=vOv8zYla1wY&index=5&list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TViAqtowpvZy5PZpn-MoSK_ (especially this one)
So what do you think about these scientifically based attempts to validate Idealism?
Does anyone here who has advanced enough knowledge about quantum mechanics who could commentate on these things?
Now to move on to arguments that try to use the latest science to prove that our universe is simulated in a cosmic mind (God) and that information is more fundamental than space and time:
Among other things, these videos try to argue that consciousness is actually an Integrated Information System according to a certain scientific theory in quantum mechanics.
Now the theory of consciousness being explained by science as an IIS is interesting on it’s own terms, but what these arguments show is that the entire universe is being controlled by a wave-function that is being collapsed by a single IIS outside of the universe.
In other words, experimentally verifiable evidence for the existence of God.
Now these theories, if correct, have some pretty weird consequences.
For one, all matter is actually made out of mind stuff, or one single substance.
The Wheeler DeWitt equation, which is used as experimental evidence of a mind outside of the universe keeping it in existence (God), also seems to implicitly suggest, at least by those in the above videos, that God is a mind.
But under classical theism, God cannot be a mind nor be made out of a substance, as he is Being Itself, or rather, Existance Itself.
Now we can surely speak of the mind of God or God’s divine intellect, but only analagously so because classical theism holds God isn’t a particular instance of a kind.
But my main questions are: If this scientific evidence and it’s interpretation is correct, than how do we reconcile this with Aristotelianism or classical theism?
If consciousness is an Integrated Information System, then what consequences does this have for classical philosophy of mind?
If the Wheeler DeWitt equation, experimentally verified in 2013, shows the universe is being collapsed by a conscious state outside the universe, then what consequences does THAT have?
Or can we reinterpret this to be perfectly compatible with classical theism?Say, the equation only captures conscious awareness of the universe by God, but doesn’t tell us much else about Him.
And there are some interesting parallels between Prime Matter, which is found in Aristotelian philosophy, and consciousness, which could give us room to accept the scientific data & Introspective Argument or even a certain type of idealism:
So what do you guys all think about this?
Can we unify classical theism and Thomistic philosophy with monistic idealism in some way?
Or is this a philosophical Mission Impossible and we would have to conclude that these philosophical arguments & scientific interpretations are all suspect?
Basically classical metaphysics, classical theism & divine simplicity, dualism, materialism, the works.
So I understand that Catholic theology holds that God is wholly and divinely simple, Being Itself.
We can say God is Intellect Itself, and that he has power and love and goodness, but we can say them only analogically as God is of a completely different kind from us and the rest of existence.
But I’ve also been aware for quite some time of Idealism and it’s various derivations from both philosophical argumentation and scientific experimental evidence from quantum physics.
Now to start this off, here are a few videos to begin this with:
This first video is called The Introspective Argument.
It makes an argument for Idealism, the idea that matter doesn’t exist independent of observation and is actually made out of the same substance as the mind.
I would like to know what you guys over here have to say about this argument, especially if you’re acquianted with Thomistic metaphysics and philosophy and could analyse it from that perspective.
Now here are several videos trying to deduce Idealism from quantum mechanics. Specifically the double-slit experiment:
youtube.com/watch?v=vOv8zYla1wY&index=5&list=PL1mr9ZTZb3TViAqtowpvZy5PZpn-MoSK_ (especially this one)
So what do you think about these scientifically based attempts to validate Idealism?
Does anyone here who has advanced enough knowledge about quantum mechanics who could commentate on these things?
Now to move on to arguments that try to use the latest science to prove that our universe is simulated in a cosmic mind (God) and that information is more fundamental than space and time:
Among other things, these videos try to argue that consciousness is actually an Integrated Information System according to a certain scientific theory in quantum mechanics.
Now the theory of consciousness being explained by science as an IIS is interesting on it’s own terms, but what these arguments show is that the entire universe is being controlled by a wave-function that is being collapsed by a single IIS outside of the universe.
In other words, experimentally verifiable evidence for the existence of God.
Now these theories, if correct, have some pretty weird consequences.
For one, all matter is actually made out of mind stuff, or one single substance.
The Wheeler DeWitt equation, which is used as experimental evidence of a mind outside of the universe keeping it in existence (God), also seems to implicitly suggest, at least by those in the above videos, that God is a mind.
But under classical theism, God cannot be a mind nor be made out of a substance, as he is Being Itself, or rather, Existance Itself.
Now we can surely speak of the mind of God or God’s divine intellect, but only analagously so because classical theism holds God isn’t a particular instance of a kind.
But my main questions are: If this scientific evidence and it’s interpretation is correct, than how do we reconcile this with Aristotelianism or classical theism?
If consciousness is an Integrated Information System, then what consequences does this have for classical philosophy of mind?
If the Wheeler DeWitt equation, experimentally verified in 2013, shows the universe is being collapsed by a conscious state outside the universe, then what consequences does THAT have?
Or can we reinterpret this to be perfectly compatible with classical theism?Say, the equation only captures conscious awareness of the universe by God, but doesn’t tell us much else about Him.
And there are some interesting parallels between Prime Matter, which is found in Aristotelian philosophy, and consciousness, which could give us room to accept the scientific data & Introspective Argument or even a certain type of idealism:
So what do you guys all think about this?
Can we unify classical theism and Thomistic philosophy with monistic idealism in some way?
Or is this a philosophical Mission Impossible and we would have to conclude that these philosophical arguments & scientific interpretations are all suspect?