United Church of Christ and gays

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Here is a matter coming into the headlines to reaffirm the supremacy of the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. The UCC is chasing after the ego of mankind rather than the truth of God as revealed in his bible and Sacred Traditions and is going to debate the heretical idea of accepting Gay Union and Clergy:

***CLEVELAND. — The United Church of Christ **a denomination known for its progressive stand on social issues, will consider opposing resolutions on same-sex marriage at its biennial meeting in July, a church official said Friday. *
“We take our democratic form of church governance seriously,” said the Rev. J. Bennett Guess, spokesman for the Cleveland-based UCC. “This will ensure some heated conversation for our church when we meet in Atlanta.”

This is the first time the same-sex marriage issue will be debated at the church’s General Synod meeting. The United Church of Christ has a membership of 1.3 million.

The General Synod considers resolutions, but it does not create policy for its nearly 6,000 congregations: UCC churches are autonomous. The UCC’s meeting, involving about 3,000 people, is set for July 1-5 in Atlanta.

The United Church of Christ was formed in 1957 with the union of the Congregational Christian Churches in America and the Evangelical and Reformed Church.

My question is this, if the decisions of the “synod” are non-binding then why the heck go to the trouble of having one? Just let everyone go their own way since they are allowed to anyway, or is it that there is great fear of making it binding because they just might make a wrong decision or worse yet, cause parishoners to leave? It sure is nice to be Catholic and able to rely on our Holy Mother the Church to be guided by the Spirit of God and not the sophist reasonings of man in his pursuit of the newest theological fad.
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