United Pentecostals revisited

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I am going back and doing a whole parish presentation on how to defend the Catholic faith. My hope is that the UP’s and their pastor will show up. My first visit unnerved them completely. One of them told a Catholic who put up posters announcing my seminar that he would burn in hell for it. Another told a Catholic employee that she was totally wrong for being Catholic. I have been the subject of sermons and curses. The local Catholics are showing more enthusiasm for the faith then they have in a long time. That scares the heck out of the fundamentalists. No more easy targets. I will fill you in tomorrow on how it goes. My first visit converted 2 of them. I am shooting for 10 times that this time. Mary, Destroyer of Heresies, pray for us!
Good for you, cestusdei. I’ll pray for you to get 20 of them! I’m going to be going to mass twice today (daily mass at noon and my brother’s confirmation mass tonight) so I’ll light a candle and ask Our Blessed Mother to help you deliever the message.
I can’t stand it when people take on God’s responsibility of judgement into their own hands (as a Calvinist kid is trying to do with me right now…not very well I might add). Hopefully you’ll set them straight.

Good luck and God bless!

P.S. GREAT quote in you sig.
You go, CD!

I remember when I was growing up in the Church of God in the 1950s, we got warned more about the Jesus Onlies than we did about the Catholics.

My first visit unnerved them completely. One of them told a Catholic who put up posters announcing my seminar that he would burn in hell for it. Another told a Catholic employee that she was totally wrong for being Catholic. I have been the subject of sermons and curses.
‘"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you.”’ (Matthew 5:10-12)
Father, don’t leave us hanging, we want all the details after you’re done. Then can you come to my restaurant some Saturday night and Evangelize the anti-Catholic Believer’s Chapel group that comes in every week. They sit and rant and rave about those poor Catholics that never read the Bible. I have to bight my tounge, it takes all my energy to keep myself from telling them that no, Catholics do not believe they work their way to Heaven.
I am going back and doing a whole parish presentation on how to defend the Catholic faith. My hope is that the UP’s and their pastor will show up. My first visit unnerved them completely. One of them told a Catholic who put up posters announcing my seminar that he would burn in hell for it. Another told a Catholic employee that she was totally wrong for being Catholic. I have been the subject of sermons and curses. The local Catholics are showing more enthusiasm for the faith then they have in a long time. That scares the heck out of the fundamentalists. No more easy targets. I will fill you in tomorrow on how it goes. My first visit converted 2 of them. I am shooting for 10 times that this time. Mary, Destroyer of Heresies, pray for us!
I was presently suprised to see this thread! I was raised in the UPC, However I converted to the true Faith when I was 20. Good luck and God bless! It took me many years to realize they were A cult. Some really good people, sincere but mislead.

Funny thing is, most of my Family has now left the UPC, for good (Ihope)
I pray our Blessed Lady give you strength!
You will be in my prayers!
You go Cestus!!! We need priests like you. Methinks you and my pastor would get along just fine! 😃

Prayers are with you in your crusade of saving souls from deception!..

Well, we had quite a few Catholic show up. There were just one or two UP’s. Their pastor didn’t show up for the second time. He is justifiably terrified of me. A good time was had by all. The Catholics are excited, ordering apologetics books, and ready to defend the faith against all comers. It was a good experience.
I would love to stir up that kind of excitement and enthusiasm about the Catholic faith in my parish.

Any how-to books on the subject??
Little Mary:
Any how-to books on the subject??
check the main page of this site. There is a link to how to become an apologist. It has some suggested reading listed.
Well, we had quite a few Catholic show up. There were just one or two UP’s. Their pastor didn’t show up for the second time. He is justifiably terrified of me. A good time was had by all. The Catholics are excited, ordering apologetics books, and ready to defend the faith against all comers. It was a good experience.
I came across this thread and all I could say was “wow”. I was brought up in the UPC. Actually, I’m kindof glad I was. The reason is simple. I learned that God loved me and that Jesus died for my sins through this church. I learned that I could and should have a daily relationship with God in this church.(not that I ever perfectly or even close put any of this into practice even though the desire to do so was there), I would have been a far different person and not for the better if it weren’t for this exposure to Christ in my early years. (9-13 years of age). I am also now a Catholic but it sure took me a very long time to get there. I went through many a detour to get to His Church! And I STILL am very much an imperfect Christian. But I’m still greatful. So, God bless you father, for your efforts, but please remember charity to these people who seem so annoying and can be quite un-charitable themselves. They are SO convinced that they are right and everyone else is wrong, it is very, very hard to break through to them. I oughta know. I was convinced that Chick tracts were right. - Nuff said. Thank God for His mercy. - maranajewell
Rand Al'Thor:
check the main page of this site. There is a link to how to become an apologist. It has some suggested reading listed.
Thanks. I’m familiar with some of that and I have some study guides, a bible that’s dog eared and highlighted and I love the cd’s from biblechristiansociety.com

I guess what I’m really asking is how do I get other members of my parish as excited about apologetics as I am??
Little Mary:
Thanks. I’m familiar with some of that and I have some study guides, a bible that’s dog eared and highlighted and I love the cd’s from biblechristiansociety.com

I guess what I’m really asking is how do I get other members of my parish as excited about apologetics as I am??
My suggestion would be to go to your pastor and see about maybe setting up a group that has weekly meetings or something like that. Then announce it at mass and put a notice in the bulletin. I’ll bet you’ll get the people who were already interested and excited about this stuff to come at first, and then word will start to spread and more people will show up. I think this would work pretty well.
Rand Al'Thor:
My suggestion would be to go to your pastor and see about maybe setting up a group that has weekly meetings or something like that. Then announce it at mass and put a notice in the bulletin. I’ll bet you’ll get the people who were already interested and excited about this stuff to come at first, and then word will start to spread and more people will show up. I think this would work pretty well.
I think that’s a great idea. Thanks. 🙂
It’s nice to see that there are now Catholic groups who are ready to defend their Faith, and not afraid of it. God bless your work! Hopefully this will foster more understanding of the Church from non-Catholics.
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