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As a child I was always quoted the familiar proverb,
“Action speaks louder than words.”
Aside from the value of this proverb,
We learn from the Bible that good deeds are important,
possibly all important. We also learn that if we make a
mistake, words are indispensable in achieving reconciliation.

My need is for an understanding of any action, or word(s) for that matter,
which express a unity of action and word.
There is power in words, words can create actions or feelings. If someone tells another person that they are shy, the other person may suddenly perceive themselves as being shy and actually become shy… And that is when words and action unite.

If we say we trust in Jesus it’s not enough to say it, we must live by what we said or do we really trust Jesus? I’m thinking of the Word here, many read it, but really are they living up to the words they read? Like can they really believe that with God all things are possible? Or do they believe Jesus who said I am the bread of life which gives life to the world?

Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God said the word and then the word made an action, much more powerful than any of our words could be…🙂

Is that what you mean?
There is power in words, words can create actions or feelings. If someone tells another person that they are shy, the other person may suddenly perceive themselves as being shy and actually become shy… And that is when words and action unite.

If we say we trust in Jesus it’s not enough to say it, we must live by what we said or do we really trust Jesus? I’m thinking of the Word here, many read it, but really are they living up to the words they read? Like can they really believe that with God all things are possible? Or do they believe Jesus who said I am the bread of life which gives life to the world?

Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God said the word and then the word made an action, much more powerful than any of our words could be…🙂

Is that what you mean?
For the God and light answer yes. I believe I do understand better.
But the other answers are more difficult. Even a simple answer, one such as you don’t offer in exact terms: Take the example,
“Take out the garbage tomorrow before you leave for school.” It is possible that the boy doesn’t take it out the way his dad wants him to. I.e., he leaves the cans open, doesn’t wheel it properly, maybe leaves a stray recyclable now and then because he is immature and doesn’t know the rules are important, etc. So even though the basic intent is there, the unity isn’t. Misinterpretation is always possible.
As for the bread of life part of your answer. That is also understandable as true even if it is the most profound mystery.
The part about shyness, though, seems not at all a unity. One can always see the light in any remark, and one then becomes what one wants to. Though the possibility exists, one need not be pigeon holed by the opinion of others.

Overall, I like your answer very much :), as it brings two subjects into the picture. I was thinking – perhaps, like when Jesus healed with words, or, more darkly, like when he cursed the fig tree or said that if we had faith even in a small amount, the tree would be turned over, uprooted, and thrown into the ocean.
Thanks I may have not provided very good examples but from what I read of yours is that the problem with people is that they have free will and the ability to choose to listen or not so that breaks up the unity so we don’t have as much power in our words as God does who has authority over all. When God says something it happens…🙂 If we do things that are right by God than there is unity, if not than that unity breaks up. Going with that, we want to be in the state of grace to promote Unity with the Father who has power in His words.

There are other profound things that Jesus said, I mean if we really listen to what Jesus is saying it’s just amazing and brings many things to light.

“I Am” the way, the truth and the life
“I Am” the Door
"I Am’ the bread of life
"I Am’ the Good Shepherd
“I Am” the Alpha and the Omega.
‘“I Am” the resurrection and the life (that one really gets me)
"I Am’ the true vine.
“I Am” the Almighty God.

Any I missed? We can meditate on any one of those and enter into the most profound mysteries of our faith.

What you said about Jesus and faith. I think of the woman who was bleeding for a long time and touched the cloak of Jesus and was healed. Jesus said that it was her faith that healed her. My sister pointed that out to me when I was in similar circumstances and I was healed. The point being as long as we really believed that God could make things happen, there is unity and all things are possible.
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