Unmarried with a child

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New member
Does being unmarried and having a son make me ineligible to pursue religious life? I recognize that my relationship with his mother was a terrible mistake, but i still have fatherhood responsibilities. Would i be forever barred from the priesthood? Or would the option perhaps open up to me as my son gets older?
I don’t think any seminary or religious community would admit someone who has existing parental responsibilities. Once the child is raised and is of the age of majority, though, if that child has no need of support, then I don’t think there would be an issue. St Elizabeth Ann Seton had several grown children.
For the diocesan priesthood, it’s up to the bishop, to determine if a man of an illegitimate adult child may be a suitable candidate or not. There are considerations to take such as the coherence and the testimony the priest gives with his own life to his faithful. It’s a very important issue.

It’s not black and white forbidden in canon law, but the bishop has every right to refuse without prejudice, because there is no right to be an priest.
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A priest of the Ecclesia Domestica. Bless your son regularly, share your faith, frequent the sacraments. Teach him the Word of God, and how to make a good examination of conscience. That is your Priesthood.

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