Unsure of faith

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I am 32 years old, and have never really been a religious person. I have always believed in god,but never attended church, with the exception of the odd christening/ wedding /funeral etc. It’s only recently i have begun to feel that i want and need to attend. None of my family are religious, but i’ve met a few good friends who are catholic, and a few who are protestant. The arguing amongst them about religion drives me insane at times:)
I have read the bible and I do have the same objections as some others, such as the worshipping of mary, the making of statues and bowing or kneeling before them etc, which to me is against what the bible teaches. I have read many articles relating to this on this site, but none really convince me that its acceptable, I know this is a touchy subject but i have had no real biblical proof. I also take from the bible that mary did not remain a virgin but had normal sexual relations with joseph and had other children. I dont believe in any of the appearances of our lady or of the 15 promises of her, as the 15th promise goes against the bibles teaching that you should never pray to another as god will not share his glory. To me they are undoubtedly hoaxes.
I also feel that catholic doctines(which the church openly admit are not from the bible but the church itself) are man made traditions, which the bible also tells us is wrong. I have issues with rosaries as jesus condemned the counting and repetition of prayers.
I still would like to attend church and pray etc, but i feel these issues will stop me. At the moment i have a horrible feeling that religion is no different to cults. I would be greatfull if anyone could help me see differently as im unsure of my faith or where to turn.
I’d suggest attending a class at your local Catholic Church where they can help you go into these issues you have in detail and discuss where your misunderstandings lie.
I am 32 years old, and have never really been a religious person. I have always believed in god,but never attended church, with the exception of the odd christening/ wedding /funeral etc. It’s only recently i have begun to feel that i want and need to attend. None of my family are religious, but i’ve met a few good friends who are catholic, and a few who are protestant. The arguing amongst them about religion drives me insane at times:)
I have read the bible and I do have the same objections as some others, such as the worshipping of mary, the making of statues and bowing or kneeling before them etc, which to me is against what the bible teaches. I have read many articles relating to this on this site, but none really convince me that its acceptable, I know this is a touchy subject but i have had no real biblical proof. I also take from the bible that mary did not remain a virgin but had normal sexual relations with joseph and had other children. I dont believe in any of the appearances of our lady or of the 15 promises of her, as the 15th promise goes against the bibles teaching that you should never pray to another as god will not share his glory. To me they are undoubtedly hoaxes.
I also feel that catholic doctines(which the church openly admit are not from the bible but the church itself) are man made traditions, which the bible also tells us is wrong. I have issues with rosaries as jesus condemned the counting and repetition of prayers.
I still would like to attend church and pray etc, but i feel these issues will stop me. At the moment i have a horrible feeling that religion is no different to cults. I would be greatfull if anyone could help me see differently as im unsure of my faith or where to turn.
Hello Allan77! 👋

I can see why you are so “unsure of faith!” You have A LOT of misunderstandings about the Catholic Faith. Which, for the record, isn’t hard to believe!
This is what I suggest: You find your local Catholic Church and speak to the priest there. You speak to your Catholic friends. (This is, after all, a Catholic Forum, and I am a Catholic trying to persuade you to look further into the Catholic Church…surprising, huh? :o) You need to be corrected! Please, I urge you not to stay where you are in this indecision! Believe me, there is healing…there is help! You will find it in Jesus Christ.

I will be praying for you!

I agree with the above posters. There are really too many issues to cover sufficiently in one thread or several for that matter. I recommend you find a local priest you can talk to about these misconceptions (which is exactly what they are). That isn’t to say you shouldn’t post here, it is just that there are many questions for just one thread. Your Catholic friends should be able to point you to a priest or you can look at masstimes.org to find a local Catholic church.

Hope this helps.

Christ’s peace.
One issue I’m going to mention is that the majority of your issues fall upon the belief of Mary and how to feel towards praying the rosary, believing in the apparations of Mary. To some, they might think you should be protestant. To me however, I think that you should tell me how you feel about these issues:
Do you think that Jesus is/can be present in the Eucharist (its called transubstanstiation and means that we think the Holy Spirit comes down and turns it into Jesus).
Do you believe that there should be 7 sacraments in a church instead of just 2 (majority of Protestant just believe in Baptism and Holy communion but it is of different belief then us).
Do you believe that faith through works can grant you salvation in heaven? Or is it through faith alone? (Catholics believe in faith through works, Protestants believe in just faith).

Also our mass is more then just someone getting up a preaching, it is constant prayer to Jesus, worship to JESUS. There is a big difference between a Catholic Mass and a Protestant Church service. I’m 22 so I am ten years younger then you. But I have a strong burning desire to be Catholic and that feeling I get when I take communion is beautiful.
I think that you should look at the Churchs history, what we believe (it seems like youve done that, and also look at the mass, and where everything in the mass comes from). I just saw Jeff Cavins yesterday at a bible study on the book of Revelation. He was a Protestant minister for 12 yrs and converted to Catholicism. He said that if you go back to your Jewish roots, and maybe even learn a little bit of Hebrew, you will understand how and why we do a lot of what we do.
In my opinion, what you have trouble believing is in some peoples minds a “big deal” not to believe. But I believe that if Catholicism really is for you everything will fall together. I’m just going to say this stuff quickly since I already wrote a lot lol. But in Hewbrew the word “cousins” also means brother. So when you read the bible and it says brothers and sister you would not know whether or not the Hebrew text would mean cousins instead of actual siblings. The Catholic church believes it is Cousins. Why would when Jesus dies on the cross give his mother to one of his apostles (John) if we know that John really is not his brother? Why wouldnt his siblings care for her?
About the statues and bowing. Bowing is a sign of veneration which shows respect. Bowing does not mean worship. Mary was the mother of Jesus. She is the mother of God. That is why I believe she deserves that respect. She is the Closest to God. She is the mother of him. Statues are like photographs. I’m sure you have pictures of loved ones in your wallet or somewhere else. (Thats how I view that).
Have you ever heard of the stations of the cross? They are all statues of Jesus. Do you think we should be allowed to have those?
We also have seven more books then Protestants have, seven of which Jewish people have as well.
Also, I dont know where you live. But sometimes the area you live will make it harder to be Catholic, but hey, I like that challenge! 🙂
I would love to hear from you. If you would like my email address I will pm it to you 🙂 Oh and I also agree with the other people, if you feel comfortable going to talk to a Priest that will work. RCIA classes probably start this week or last at your church. And those are the classes one takes to become Catholic (at the Easter Vigil), you can go to get more informed, and ask your questions you have. You do not have to continue in becoming Catholic even up to the last day if you decide its not for you. But I really think you should contact your local Catholic church and atleast attend a few. Jesus is calling for you!!! And I know you know it as well! 🙂

This may help you: scripturecatholic.com/
As well as the Cathecism of the Catholic church. (you can find this online)
Hope this helps,
From today’s Liturgy of the Hours:

Prayers and Intercessions

Our God is a God of power and goodness, who loves us and knows our souls. We praise him with joyful hearts:
– We praise you, Lord, and we trust in you.

We bless you, almighty God, King of all things. We are in the wrong; we have sinned; but you have called us
to know your truth and serve you in your greatness.
– We praise you, Lord, and we trust in you.

God, you chose to open wide the doors of your compassion:
do not let us stray from the path of true life.
– We praise you, Lord, and we trust in you.

As we celebrate the resurrection of your beloved Son,
let us spend this day in spiritual rejoicing.
– We praise you, Lord, and we trust in you.

Lord, give your faithful a spirit of prayer and praise,
and let us always give you thanks.
– We praise you, Lord, and we trust in you.

Our Father, who art in Heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

O God, creator and ruler, look down lovingly upon us.
Grant that we may serve you wholeheartedly
so as to receive the blessings of your goodwill.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God for ever and ever.
I am 32 years old, and have never really been a religious person. I have always believed in god,but never attended church, with the exception of the odd christening/ wedding /funeral etc. It’s only recently i have begun to feel that i want and need to attend. None of my family are religious, but i’ve met a few good friends who are catholic, and a few who are protestant. The arguing amongst them about religion drives me insane at times:)
I have read the bible and I do have the same objections as some others, such as the worshipping of mary, the making of statues and bowing or kneeling before them etc, which to me is against what the bible teaches. I have read many articles relating to this on this site, but none really convince me that its acceptable, I know this is a touchy subject but i have had no real biblical proof. I also take from the bible that mary did not remain a virgin but had normal sexual relations with joseph and had other children. I dont believe in any of the appearances of our lady or of the 15 promises of her, as the 15th promise goes against the bibles teaching that you should never pray to another as god will not share his glory. To me they are undoubtedly hoaxes.
I also feel that catholic doctines(which the church openly admit are not from the bible but the church itself) are man made traditions, which the bible also tells us is wrong. I have issues with rosaries as jesus condemned the counting and repetition of prayers.
I still would like to attend church and pray etc, but i feel these issues will stop me. At the moment i have a horrible feeling that religion is no different to cults. I would be greatfull if anyone could help me see differently as im unsure of my faith or where to turn.
Dear Allan, you raise more issues than space permits to respond to. So I will be very general in my responce, hoping you’ll ask these questions one by one so that we can address them.

*First the “worshiping of Mary” is not a Catholic Practice. The term “worship” is reservered to God, and God alone." Catholics reverence Mary as the Mother of God [Lk. 1:26-30 and we pray more “THROUGH her” than “to her”. For example the last words of the “Hail Mary prayer” which by the way is founded on Luke Chapters 1 and 2, end with the words "and pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death."

As for statues, may I suggest you read Exodus chp.26 and see what God Himself commanded Moses to do for Him [Yahweh-God.]

The issue the Bible speaks about is “false gods” not statues! Again ead Exo. Chp. 26.

The “one knee thing” is called "genuflection, and very sadly is seldom done anymore. But that practive too is for God, not Mary, not the saints. It’s a “latria” Worship position that is for only God.

Caholic belief in the Appearances of Mary, even those carefully researched and verified by The Church are optional. So then the fifteen promises to are optional and personal piety. They can be believed but ones salvation dies not rest squarely on this issue.

The matter of Mary’s virginity is a dovtrine that is to be held, but cannot be explained and justifies in tne amount of space permitted in this first post reply. Ask it as a seperate and you’ll gain a fuller understanding of why we hold this belief.

I’m unclear of what you are looking at as the “15th. promise”. I have no doubt I can explain it once you share what it specifically says.👍

As to the issue of Traditions, heres another homework assignment for you. Look up 2 Tim. 3:16, then John 21:23 wiich clearly specifies that "not everything is written in the bible. Then look up 2 Thess. 2: 13-15 and 1 Cor. 11: 2.

I think I have addressed all your issues except Marys virginity [which i can do] and the "15th. promise, because I don’t know specifically of which you speak.

Thanks for asking. we do have the truth, we do have the answers;)

Love and prayers,**
The OP may be referring to this:

Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

Confusion typically results from skipping over the term “a great sign of” and making it become something like “Devotion to my Rosary means you are predestined.” Obviously it doesn’t say that, so no point in trying to defend it.

Very expensive cars are a great sign of a wealthy person. That’s a reasonable statement, but it does not mean everyone who is wealthy drives an expensive car. It also doesn’t mean everyone who owns an expensive car is wealthy.
The OP may be referring to this:

Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

Confusion typically results from skipping over the term “a great sign of” and making it become something like “Devotion to my Rosary means you are predestined.” Obviously it doesn’t say that, so no point in trying to defend it.

Very expensive cars are a great sign of a wealthy person. That’s a reasonable statement, but it does not mean everyone who is wealthy drives an expensive car. It also doesn’t mean everyone who owns an expensive car is wealthy.
***Absolutely wounderful reply. Thanks:D

So now the “only issue holding our friend back” is the “virginity of Mary.” Lets see how they respond to what we have shared thus far:shrug:

Again thanks,

hiya, thanks to all for taking the time to reply to my post.
Please forgive me, for i meant to say that the 5th and not the 15th promise of our lady of fatima.
it states "The soul which recommends itself to Me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
So to me this goes against what jesus says in John 14:6 " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Please help me to understand this.
(p.s i know the beleif in the appearances are optional)
I will create other threads regarding other issues about mary.
Thankyou again for answering,
hiya, thanks to all for taking the time to reply to my post.
Please forgive me, for i meant to say that the 5th and not the 15th promise of our lady of fatima.
it states "The soul which recommends itself to Me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
So to me this goes against what jesus says in John 14:6 " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Please help me to understand this.
(p.s i know the beleif in the appearances are optional)
I will create other threads regarding other issues about mary.
Thankyou again for answering,
Hi Allen,

This is a promise of “assumption” meaning that if “this happens”, "that will surely follow."

It is predicated on the understanding that one who is faithful to the Rosary, which is a personal act of piety, will because of the graces granted [keep in mind the Rosary includes the Creed, the "Glory be to The Father, and the Lords prayer, in addition to the Hail Mary’s,] will with the grace of God be able to avoid Mortal Sin. This is ONLY an assumption, not a guaranteeof salvation, rather it puts forth the obvious fact that one who dies "in the state of grace [w /o unconfessed and unrepented Mortal sin] is going to end up in heaven.

Mary’s promise is to intercede on our belhalf for super-abundant graces and that if the person is disposed to receive these graces, which one in the sate of grace would be; then and only then would that person end up in heaven.

Catholics neither believe or teach that ANYTHING we do, [or for that matter, can do], NO Act of piety will “earn us heaven.” Salvation is always a free gift from God! However, God expects and demands that we particiapte by proving our love of and for Him.

Hope this clarifies for you. My friend your doing good, but becareful about what uninformed non catholics tell you. They may mean well? But they simply do not have the right information.

Love and prayers,
hiya, thanks to all for taking the time to reply to my post.
Please forgive me, for i meant to say that the 5th and not the 15th promise of our lady of fatima.
it states "The soul which recommends itself to Me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
So to me this goes against what jesus says in John 14:6 " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Please help me to understand this.
(p.s i know the beleif in the appearances are optional)
I will create other threads regarding other issues about mary.
Thankyou again for answering,
Hi Allen,

This is a promise of “assumption” meaning that if “this happens”, "that will surely follow."

It is predicated on the understanding that one who is faithful to the Rosary, which is a personal act of piety, will because of the graces granted [keep in mind the Rosary includes the Creed, the "Glory be to The Father, and the Lords prayer, in addition to the Hail Mary’s,] will with the grace of God be able to avoid Mortal Sin. This is ONLY an assumption, not a guaranteeof salvation, rather it puts forth the obvious fact that one who dies "in the state of grace [w /o unconfessed and unrepented Mortal sin] is going to end up in heaven.

Mary’s promise is to intercede on our belhalf for super-abundant graces and that if the person is disposed to receive these graces, which one in the sate of grace would be; then and only then would that person end up in heaven.

Catholics neither believe or teach that ANYTHING we do, [or for that matter, can do], NO Act of piety will “earn us heaven.” Salvation is always a free gift from God! However, God expects and demands that we particiapte by proving our love of and for Him.

Hope this clarifies for you. My friend your doing good, but becareful about what uninformed non catholics tell you. They may mean well? But they simply do not have the right information.

Love and prayers,
Like always PJM you say everything so beautifully!
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