So for a while now I have been wondering what God has been calling me to do. I have always, always felt that I was going to be a wife and a mom. It wasn’t until maybe a year ago that I realized I should consider other vocations, becoming a nun. I became more and more confused about what my calling was. I have prayed to frequently about my vocation and I just seem to keep getting more lost. One time I prayed and I was so frustrated about not knowing what God was saying, and I asked Him if there was a man somewhere in the world that He created so that we would be married and help each other to grow closer to Him and raise our children to follow Him. I instantly felt this overwhelming peace and so I knew the answer was yes. But occasionally I still see signs that God might be calling me to be a nun, so now I am even more confused which I didn’t think was possible. I just need to find the right and definite answer. I know no one but God can tell me the answer, but I figured this site could give me some help.