A few days ago, I was visiting a Christian (Protestant) fellowship on campus with a friend, where I saw a young man wearing a most interesting t-shirt.
The back of it said, “Upon this rock I will build my church. Matthew 16:18.”
I’ve never had this discussion before, but it was my understanding that this verse (the complete verse) is one of the ways we as Catholics explain the status of the Pope as the successor of St. Peter. I have no idea why a Protestant would be interested in using this verse to say anything – do they have a different interpretation of “rock”? What else can a rock possibly be? Does anybody know?
And a little off the topic, but it seems to me that taking verses out of context like this can be dangerous. After all, I could just as easily find Biblical approval for selling daughters off as slaves from Exodus 21…
The back of it said, “Upon this rock I will build my church. Matthew 16:18.”
I’ve never had this discussion before, but it was my understanding that this verse (the complete verse) is one of the ways we as Catholics explain the status of the Pope as the successor of St. Peter. I have no idea why a Protestant would be interested in using this verse to say anything – do they have a different interpretation of “rock”? What else can a rock possibly be? Does anybody know?
And a little off the topic, but it seems to me that taking verses out of context like this can be dangerous. After all, I could just as easily find Biblical approval for selling daughters off as slaves from Exodus 21…