I’m so sorry to ask everyone’s prayers again, but I just got some horrible news. My sister, Donna, was right on the verge of converting to the Catholic Faith and was going to start RCIA this Fall. God had brought her a long, long way from her Jehovah’s Witness fanatic days. But Donna has SSA but believed she had been delivered from it. Well, tonight she came to dinner at my house and gently dropped a bomb on me: she has just entered into a gay relationship with another woman. I am devastated and very, very worried for her soul. Just as she was about to come home to the True Church, the devil reached out and grabbed her. I am sick and grief-stricken beyond words. Please, please pray for my sister that God will deliver her from this unrighteous relationship and bring her home to the holy Catholic Faith and Catholic Church. Thank you all very much and God bless you.