Urgent Request: Prayer and fasting for the future of New Zealand; gay marriage

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I make an urgent request for you all to please fast and pray against the Civil Union Bill which is being discussed and voted for in the Parliament in New Zealand, at the end of this week. It passed its second reading by a vote of 65 to 50, for the Bill. Please pray the Rosary, if you can (I believe it is one of the most powerful prayers available to us Catholics), and fast on bread and water if you can (for even half a day).

Civil Union is the first step on the road to homosexual marriage and parenting. This Bill is something that will create social problems for many children in this country for years to come if it is allowed to be passed into law. Not to mention that Christians will probably be labeled “hate criminals” for opposing homosexual lifestyles.

It is an attempt to reduce the Sacrament of marriage to the same level as de-facto relationships, same sex relationships and other imitations of marriage. One of the clauses in the Bill will allow heterosexual couples to transfer their marriage to a Òcivil unionÓ and vice versa. This makes an absolute mockery or marriage and it will make it even easier for couples to dissolve marriages. Although this clause does not apply to homosexual couples most experts believe that it would only be a matter of time before this would be challenged in the High Court as being discriminatory to homosexual couples.

There is also strong evidence the Bill will allow homosexual couples who marry overseas in places like the Netherlands , etc the right to have their homosexual marriages recognised in NZ. This will mean that for all intents and purposes we will have legalised homosexual marriage in NZ because the only thing a gay couple will need to do to marry is travel to a country like the Netherlands , get married and then return home to NZ where their marriage will be recognised under law.

The government is attempting to fast track several other major pieces of legislation that will impinge upon our rights as Christians in this country.
  • The proposed Hate Speech law would see imprisonment as an option for anyone who spoke out against any issue of moral importance, such as homosexuality
  • Phil GoffÕs Confiscation of property law would allow for the freezing of finances and the confiscation of the property of people who havenÕt been found guilty or even charged with a crime
  • The new charities act which is set to come before parliament on December the 10th, it appears to still have the clause in it which threatens any charitable trust with the loss of tax free status if they engage in political lobbying
For more information, please see:

Yours in Christ,
Hi there, TTM, fellow-Kiwi!

Yes, it’s appalling and depressing that our country’s government could have the arrogance to try and get this Bill passed without even considering a referendum. Various polls have been taken that show the vast majority of ordinary people (around 75%) do NOT want this passed, and if that number is accurate, it’s some small thing to be thankful for. BUT we should have a say on such a matter, surely!!!
We can only hope for divine intervention!
God bless you.
Hi ATeNumquam!

Yes, apparently 90% of the submissions to the parliament were against, and 75% in the TV One poll also against. Even allowing for the fact that pro-Civil-Unionists would probably be somewhat more apathetic for their cause, these are encouraging signs.

God bless you!
its sept and i joined tuday. try confession chastity and promoting nfp. Get onto the couple to couple league.org , and buy 3 copues of The Art of natural planning and laern it and teach and promote it. contraception makes swx soooo disgusting. Achavie!!! . no conteaception. NFP and sex becones sacred again.
Are the Christian Churches in NZ speaking out against this? - I presume so…

You may want to seek advice from Our CANADIAN friends on the board as I believe they went down this path a few years ago.

Pray and Mass offerings are good weapons but I also believe a bit of action on the part of the faithful can help. Respected vocal groups in your community may be the mouthpiece.

What can we do, when democracy has become officially linked to amorality? I live in Massachusetts, USA the only state here with gay *marriage, *no less (not civil unions). They used to call us the Bay state, but now, we are the gay state, and gays are rapidly populating our neighborhoods, our schools our local media, etc, etc. etc. There is no place I can look without seeing this, and even before it came to be, I had to spend lots of time with my last child trying to explain the wrongs of this phenomenon.

Unfortunately, we are quite outnumbered here, not by opponents, but by lazy disinterested voters who are mildly amused by all the fuss. There is only one place to fight this evil- in our homes and churches. Catholic schools and religious ed is a good place to explain it to young people. But, the words from pulpits must be speaking out against all sinful behavior, and telling people to remain civil, but to repudiate it vociferously. Unfortunatley, there is only the sound of crickets coming from the churches and chanceries here. I pray for you, and all of us, when the day comes that we might have no say at all- anywhere.
forget gays how many catholics have a holy marriage bed they cant talk when they disobey and eugh use that stuff whats wrong wiv more babas. NFP is GREAT now teach em and marriage s start ti look good.
The bill was put forward by an active homosexual man and a transexual…both labour MP’s. We can blame Labour for this one, they almost all voted for it in this so called conscience vote.

It’s a shame that the Christian parties in NZ are so hard right economically (they both want to privatise education and health), otherwise more Christians or people who sympathise with family values might vote for them.
we need new parties new politicians all over the world and we need them to write books ti get the message across. a party of a mixed bunch united by cimmon belief
Well, this bill legalising homosexual unions was passed, prostitution was legalised … what next? Get out there tomorrow and vote fellow kiwis. My vote is going to either National or United Future. Probably National.
And don’t forget moral issues other than sexual are at stake. The current taxation levels are immoral.
I’ve voting for United Future. If they got just one more MP into parliament 3 yeras ago, the Prostitution Reform Bill wouldn’t have passed (60-59, remember?).

God bless!
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