My dad is still in the hospital with covid and his condition has worsened and is very, very serious right now. He can still recover and get better, but it’s very serious right now and my family is very scared. We really need him in our lives. We can’t lose him. Please, please pray for God to have mercy and heal him completely! For the Holy Spirit to guide all the doctors and make them discover everything they need to find out and to give him the best treatment possible. Please pray for my dad to recover, to get healthy and well and come back to us. Pray also for the salvation of his soul just in case, but please pray for him to get healthy and recover. We really need him. Mother Mary, please intercede on our behalf! Have mercy on him and our family, bring our father back to us! Saint Gemma, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint John Paul II, Saint Michael, Saint Francis, all saints and angels, please help us. Cure my father, please.
Please, please pray for my father to recover and get healthy very soon; for the antibiotics to work and heal him completely; for his situation to improve; for him to get healthy and well and good and come back to us, his family, safe and sound. Please pray and keep praying. Thanks a lot, God bless you all. Stay safe
Please, please pray for my father to recover and get healthy very soon; for the antibiotics to work and heal him completely; for his situation to improve; for him to get healthy and well and good and come back to us, his family, safe and sound. Please pray and keep praying. Thanks a lot, God bless you all. Stay safe