A few days ago, a friend sent me an article stating that USCCB had been accepting a pretty large sum of money beginning in 2010 to help illegal immigrants. This money was used primarily by Catholic Charities and included training, clothing, shelter, food, etc. for those who arrive in the U.S. illegally. Her article also stated that a large sum of money had also been given to the Baptist church for the same reason. I didn’t trust the article (which is why I didn’t provide the link) and told her so, for the article was attempting to prove that this wave of children at the border had been orchestrated. However, it weighed on me, and after doing further research, I discovered the same info in a blog written by a priest. He was upset that we were accepting tax payer’s money and felt that we would be beholden to the government. Worse yet, if we are making things acceptable for the illegal children- this encourages more to attempt the trek. Because these children arrive sick, 1 out of 3 girls raped, some die or are maimed getting on the “death train”- doesn’t this mean that we share a responsibility for this, even though we are attempting altruism? Still bothered, I went to HHS and checked out their budget- and it seems that the USCCB is indeed at the trough- primarily through grants- and the money received is not unsubstantial. Is this a conflict of interest? Does giving taxpayer money to religious organizations violate the separation between church and state? Has this always been done, and I just didn’t know about it? I can provide links, but all of this is easily discovered with minimum research. On the Illegal Immigrants page of USCCB, it clearly states that the money primarily is provided by HHS. I guess I always thought that we, as Catholics, were giving this money through our donations- and I’m bothered. What do you think?