Use of Angel Cards - allowed?

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I have a questioin that I cannot seem to find an answer for. Only lately at my school one of the staff members has introduced Angel Card readings for other individual members of staff. I am uncomfortable with this as it reminds me of the tarot readings although I know they are not tarot. Are they just a more impressive form of something occult?

She asked me what I thought and I did happen to state that in my humble opinion at its most base level it is occultism. At it highest level if it is to be something good it must lead beyong the Angels and the cards to God. She agreed. She said they brought her great comfort and brought great comfort to those she read them for. She now organises readings for individuals in her office which it is right beside my room.

Today I was talking to her and pointing out to her that the use of these cards or any cards is a symptom of her souls search for God. I reminded her of the beautiful words of St Augustine ‘You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you’ I tried to explain to her that we are made by God and we experience a deep sense of longing for Him which only he can satisfy—The Psalmist expressed this when he wrote ‘As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you’.
I finished the little chat by pointing to the Church and telling her that until the heart realises the truth of the true presence of Christ on our Altars in the Eucharist it will remain restless and wander in searching. When the realisation dawns as it will the searching will cease and turn to a hunger.

Thing is folks, she now has suggested doing a reading for me, which I have politely refused. i have nothing to go on and need to know how we should take them. I can find nothing on the net about these Angel cards. Anyone wanna shine some light on these for me? Nothing in the Church’s document “Jesus Christ - The Bearer of the water of Life” written on the New Age mentions them. Are they ok?

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I found them listed as angel-tarot cards. Supposed to help focus on your inner life. I’d definitely keep my distance.

Tried to give you the link but kept getting error message.
What are “Angel Cards”? And how are they “read”? On the surface, from what you wrote, it sounds like superstition to me. ANGEL TAROT CARDSThe Angel Tarot combines the features of several popular tarot decks. This includes the Tarot ofMarseilles, Tarot Classics, and Starter Tarot.Traditional suit signs of spades, hearts, clubs,and diamonds in stylized shapes are carefullywoven into the geometric designs of the MinorArcana in this 78-card deck. Each card in this deck measures
To meditate or form your inner life look to scripture and the Holy Spirit. This sounds like an opening to the occult-New Age. **ANGEL CARDS **The ANGEL Cards are simple to work with and there are an infinite number of ways of using them.
The ANGEL Cards provide 52 illustrated key words that help you focus on particular aspects of your inner life.
The more you think about the quality reflected by the word and picture on a card, the more you will find this quality echoing in your life, whether you pick Freedom, Grace, Abundance or any of the 52 cards.
We call them ANGEL Cards because they represent pure essences. Meditating on them brings support to help you overcome obstacles and gain greater understanding of your inner self. The ANGEL Cards can be used in different ways to support your journey
Trust your instincts on this one, Fergal. ANGEL TAROT CARDSThe Angel Tarot combines the features of several popular tarot decks. This includes the Tarot ofMarseilles, Tarot Classics, and Starter Tarot.Traditional suit signs of spades, hearts, clubs,and diamonds in stylized shapes are carefullywoven into the geometric designs of the MinorArcana in this 78-card deck. Each card in this deck measures
What are “Angel Cards”? And how are they “read”? On the surface, from what you wrote, it sounds like superstition to me.
I heard a lady give a talk a little while ago. She spent years as a new ager. And to cut a long story short. She eventually realised it was wrong and accepted the Catholic faith. She was in bed when she did this, and the moment she embraced the faith, a demon appeared at the foot of her bed. Then soon after disappeared. She knew this was a sign that she had been on the path to hell. There are diabolical forces at work in the new age movement. Its not just superstition.
She found out later her dying aunty had offered up years of suffering, while she was dying, for her conversion.
Dear friend

It sounds like horoscopes and supersitions like not treading on the cracks in the pavement. Seemingly harmless, but potentially very harmful. You can’t stop her reading them for herself or for her friends, but you can make a thorough explanation of the occult and superstitions and see how comforted and relaxed she feels then…

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

I should have also said pray for her and all those she does these cards for, they are on the path to losing their souls to the new age.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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