Use of Jehovah approved by CC?

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i work with a jahova/W he says that the catholic church has aproved the name johova as the name of God that why its in certan
versions of the catholic bible . I was told by many catholic B/Sisters
that its not the true name of GOD but a Bad translation can some please help me . Also why dont Jews call him jehova
If a Jehovah’s Witness believes that “Jehovah” is the correct name of God because the Catholic Church said so (which it didn’t) why is he a Jehovah’s Witness?

Although the Name of God (YHWH, the Tetragrammaton) was pronounced (as most likely Yahweh) by the Jews in earlier periods, around the time of Christ or perhaps earlier the Name was regarded as so sacred that it was almost never said. Instead of the Name (haShem), the rabbis in the Synagogue would pronounce the word for Lord, Adonai. Thus, over the Name the word Adonai was written above it as a reminder. In translating the Bible into Latin, the vowels in *Adonai *was mixed into the Name, forming Jehovah.

There is a tendency among some Orthodox Jews to avoid writing even the word “God”, instead writing “G-d” in order to prevent the Name from being defiled. They do not pronounce the Tetragrammaton.

This is from the best of my memory. Please correct me where necessary.

Pax vobiscum,

The Augustinian
“Jehovah” was first hypothesized by the Spanish monk Ramon Martin in the 13th Century, and revived by Peter Gallatin shortly before the Protestant Reformation. As mentioned before, it is a mistranslation.

Soon after Gallatin the Catholic Church had rejected it, as evidenced by the Douay-Rheims Bible’s note on Exodus 6:3 (where the KJV has JEHOVAH in big letters), where the DRV uses “Adonai” and says that Jehovah ain’t the pronunciation. Protestants have only in the last century begun going toward the term “Yahweh” as the correct pronunciation.

What I find funny is that the JW religion says you can’t just call God “God” or “Lord” but you must call Him a name, but then they insist on “Jehovah” (which even some of their publications admit is an erroneous term). So I guess we have to call God by His Name but not by the correct one…
We need to mention that the reason we don’t know the Vowels for the TETRAGAMMETRON, YHWH, the Unutterable Name of God, is the fact that ancient Hebrew was written entirely in consonants, WITHOUT VOWELS at all: words looks like this CT[cat, cute, coat etc etc] HT [hot, height, hat etc etc] DG [dog, dig, dug, Doug] WTR [water, waiter] and so on and so on. The reader basically memorized the text and KNEW what word was intended by the consonants. That’s why the readers would say “the LORD” when they came to the Tetragammetron, because they knew thay mustn’t say the Name of God. When the Masorete Scholars then inserted vowels in the text—much much much later—when they came to the Tetragammetron, they inserted the vowels for Adonai, or “the LORD” so readers would say that instead of the Unutterable Name. English translations traditionally follow that custom by printing “The LORD” in small capitals, when you see that in the Old Testament Text, you know that the Name of God is there,
If a Jehovah’s Witness believes that “Jehovah” is the correct name of God because the Catholic Church said so (which it didn’t) why is he a Jehovah’s Witness?

Although the Name of God (YHWH, the Tetragrammaton) was pronounced (as most likely Yahweh) by the Jews in earlier periods, around the time of Christ or perhaps earlier the Name was regarded as so sacred that it was almost never said. Instead of the Name (haShem), the rabbis in the Synagogue would pronounce the word for Lord, Adonai. Thus, over the Name the word Adonai was written above it as a reminder. In translating the Bible into Latin, the vowels in *Adonai *was mixed into the Name, forming Jehovah.

There is a tendency among some Orthodox Jews to avoid writing even the word “God”, instead writing “G-d” in order to prevent the Name from being defiled. They do not pronounce the Tetragrammaton.

This is from the best of my memory. Please correct me where necessary.

Pax vobiscum,

The Augustinian
No correction necessary; your explanation matches the info I’ve had for a few years. 👍
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