I had some non-Catholic friends who asked questions on things like premarital sex, priest abuse etc. I tried explaining the Church’s position on the issues. It got to the point where they attacked the priesthood and said all priests were pedophiles, that celibacy made them all repressed etc. Of course I got defensive and pointed out that the problem is much worse in public schools and is also endemic in Protestant congregations / Jewish synagogues etc.
I probably lost them as friends and they hate me now. I could have stayed silent and not have gotten defensive over the issue. St. Francis said something like “preach the gospel at all times, use words if necessary.” Did I do the right thing? Was I being pharisaic and have a holier-than-thou attitude? Maybe it would have been better if I stayed silent and just joked about it, and not make such an issue of the whole thing.
I probably lost them as friends and they hate me now. I could have stayed silent and not have gotten defensive over the issue. St. Francis said something like “preach the gospel at all times, use words if necessary.” Did I do the right thing? Was I being pharisaic and have a holier-than-thou attitude? Maybe it would have been better if I stayed silent and just joked about it, and not make such an issue of the whole thing.