Used and abused by fallen angels

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I was so sad last night. I am also feeling down today. All this time I thought God has been guiding me on how to write a book which can contribute to the Catholic church but I was wrong. Thanks to @Roseeurekacross, who gave me a link of how to identify false revelation, I managed to discover that my inspiration for writing this book is influenced by fallen angels. When I reread my writings, I discovered that it is heresy against the catholic faith. I was so disgusted with it that did not bother to save a backup copy and deleted the whole file never to see it again. I can’t believe fallen angels can be soooo evil that they could even add some truth of catholics teachings into my writings to make it looks legitimatly from God. They kept on putting ideas into my head to published my book so that I will be recognised as another saintly person. Right now, I am exhausted, angry, ashamed, feeling abused and very sad for putting in so much wasted effort. :cry:
Learn what the church teaches by the online catechism. Are you a full catholic yet? Have you been given all the Sacraments ?

We will all be saints once we get to heaven. Only really exceptional people, and martyrs become canonised.
St mother Theresa said we can’t all do great things, but we can all do the small things well.

And don’t give the devil or demons that much credit. Don’t dialogue with them.
It’s most likely just your human flights of fancy, who hasn’t wanted to be a Saint!

Writing church errors is going to be something you stop doing as you learn more about the Catholic Church and her Dogmas and doctines
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Fallen angels are in league with Satin, of course they are evil and there is no limit to what they will do.As far as influencing you in the writing of your book, I cannot answer that, only you can decipher Twhether it was your writing or that you had no intention of writing the words you saw on your papers., There is a very powerful prayer to St.Michael the Archangel…
St. Michael the Archangel defend us in battle, be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou O prince of the heavenly Host,l by the power of God, cast into hell Satin and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. God bless you.
Are you a full catholic yet?
I am in the process of converting into catholic since I am a buddhist. And thank you very much my friend for your words of encouragement. Yes, I have finished reading the CCC and will reread it again soon. Take care yourself and God bless.
I am in the process of converting into catholic since I am a buddhist. And thank you very much my friend for your words of encouragement. Yes, I have finished reading the CCC and will reread it again soon. Take care yourself and God bless.
How did you change your name
How did you change your name
I just message the moderator. I don’t want to use Parentheologist anymore because that is what the fallen angels wanted, not me. I changed to Rutherford because I want to follow Saint Ruth.
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