Vacation Bible School

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I went to my girlfriends church (non-denominationl Bible Church) and they asked us to pray for a number of suggested things, including the VSB. Now I heard that it is a bible school geared toward attacking Catholic beliefs, any thoughts on this?
If the nondenom VBS has anti-catholic sentiments and likes to promote anticatholicism, sounds to me like they could use your prayers. I’ll add mine to yours.

Well apart from:

If you are a Catholic- I would most assuredly not pray for this. But maybe pray that they might be open to the truth.

Just as a clarification here as well, not all non-Catholic churches are “anti-Catholic” in a negative way- meaning, they don’t accept Catholics or go out of their way to point out problems or areas of dissent in a overt or violent way.

They just progress in an altered perception of the Word, which doesn’t include the teachings of the Catholic church.

Does this make it any less wrong, or any less of a problem?

Certainly not- but our prayers and conversations with those people can be a lot more productive and compassionate when we realize they aren’t out to get Catholics.

Maybe offer up a prayer to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for the education aspect of this dilema:

Lord God, you blessed Elizabeth Ann Seton with gifts of grace as wife and mother, educator and foundress, so that she might spend her life in service to your people. Through her example and prayers, may we learn to express our love for you in love for our fellow men and women. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
I, my kids and grandkids have all been involved in protestand VBS’s over the years, and I have NEVER heard anything that I would consider to be anti-Catholic. But, I guess it could happen. Just check it out…
Just a thought, but if they weren’t at least marginally anti-Catholic, then they would be Catholic. If you stand against at least one point of Catholic faith, you stand against all of them. Jesus demands followers who are 100% committed, 99% just won’t do.
Just a thought, but if they weren’t at least marginally anti-Catholic, then they would be Catholic. If you stand against at least one point of Catholic faith, you stand against all of them. Jesus demands followers who are 100% committed, 99% just won’t do.
Good Point
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