The medical, political, and economic push is on to release a COVID-19 vaccine by Fall, 2020. This will be a phenomenally “rushed” vaccine. But, will it be both safe and effective when released?
Here is a link to a website that is skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of many vaccines already in use.
I do not agree with all of the controversial information presented, but I encourage readers to look at it, and decide for themselves if it contains any validity.
Vaccination, especially worldwide vaccination, holds the temptation of huge profits for big pharma and their investors.
Here is a link to a website that is skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of many vaccines already in use.
I do not agree with all of the controversial information presented, but I encourage readers to look at it, and decide for themselves if it contains any validity.
Vaccination, especially worldwide vaccination, holds the temptation of huge profits for big pharma and their investors.