Vaccines and Organ Donation

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I’m becoming very confused between all of these articles and documents coming out about vaccinations and aborted fetal cells. I didn’t even know until today that vaccines were produced using aborted fetal cells.

I read that it is okay to receive vaccines that come from aborted fetal cells as long as there are no alternative vaccines. Do doctor’s offices even stock multiple versions of a vaccine? Am I supposed to ask about each of my 1 year old’s future vaccines and perform an exhaustive search of pediatricianss that might have alternatives?

I also started thinking, aren’t Catholics allowed to donate organs? It wouldn’t matter if the organs came from the victim of a car accident or a homicide right?. As horrible as abortion is, wouldn’t it be a good thing if their cells are used to save lives, or is the problem that they didn’t choose to donate their cells?
Do doctor’s offices even stock multiple versions of a vaccine?
Rarely. Most doctors offices are on the Vaccines for Children program, which provides taxpayer-funded vaccines to their clinics at no charge to them. You may ask about special ordering, but it could be quite costly, and for at least the MMR vaccine, impossible because there’s only one manufacturer. I ended up getting my children vaccinated without any say as a consumer. 😦
It wouldn’t matter if the organs came from the victim of a car accident or a homicide right?.
There are a couple of relevant differences. First, victims of such tragedies provided their prior consent. Second, I would certainly take issue if somebody harvested body parts from a deceased loved one without any prior consent and repeatedly made a profit from it. So the Vatican is right to call for more ethically produced vaccines.
I’m becoming very confused between all of these articles and documents coming out about vaccinations and aborted fetal cells. I didn’t even know until today that vaccines were produced using aborted fetal cells.

I read that it is okay to receive vaccines that come from aborted fetal cells as long as there are no alternative vaccines. Do doctor’s offices even stock multiple versions of a vaccine? Am I supposed to ask about each of my 1 year old’s future vaccines and perform an exhaustive search of pediatricianss that might have alternatives?
This article has a list of vaccines here:

and here

I would ask your vaccinator to purchase in (if not available) for you. Best that you visually check the vial for yourself prior to administration.

I also started thinking, aren’t Catholics allowed to donate organs? It wouldn’t matter if the organs came from the victim of a car accident or a homicide right?.
I have also been wondering about whether organ donation or receiving is a good idea over the recent year. I do question this for the following reasons:

1: Not all organ donation is consensual. There is a thriving black market around the world.

2: I have recently watched a couple of documentaries were recipients have received a organ only to have

A small number of people who have been donor recipients taken on certain change of traits only to find that those traits where that of their deceased donor. It seems for the most it is heart transplants though there are other types of transplants where people have report certain experiences that later are identified as their donor. Whilst some would consider the below as doolally whacky, it can be seen as a concern.
  • Such as food preferences
  • Suicide the same way the recipient died.
  • Behaviors/attitudes same as the recipient and is unnatural to person prior surgery
  • Development of new skills that where not learnt prior or after surgery.
  • Becomes emotional with a song, only to find out later that it was a special song for the donor
  • Some recipients have dreams/nightmares of the donor.
This article is really good to read.

Still on the fence with donation of organs.

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I’m becoming very confused between all of these articles and documents coming out about vaccinations and aborted fetal cells. I didn’t even know until today that vaccines were produced using aborted fetal cells.
Some vaccines have been produced in that manner. Most are not. And they are produced using the cell lines of fetal tissue obtained 40 years ago, no one is actively aborting babies to make vaccines.
I read that it is okay to receive vaccines that come from aborted fetal cells as long as there are no alternative vaccines
This is true. The Vatican has given instruction it is moral to receive such vaccines, not just when no alternative exists but when it isn’t available to you. (Some ethical vaccines aren’t available in all countries and the cell line vaccines are the only ones available).
Do doctor’s offices even stock multiple versions of a vaccine?
They may, they may not. You can ask.
Am I supposed to ask about each of my 1 year old’s future vaccines and perform an exhaustive search of pediatricianss that might have alternatives?
I also started thinking, aren’t Catholics allowed to donate organs?
As horrible as abortion is, wouldn’t it be a good thing if their cells are used to save lives, or is the problem that they didn’t choose to donate their cells?
The victim of abortion did not choose to donate their organs, correct. We cannot stop or change what was done in the past. But we can demand ethical vaccines in the future.
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I don’t know how to quote only the bit I want to talk about… so here goes… organ donation. An interesting thought you may well laugh at… when we give someone our organs, ‘are getting some of Jesus?’ since we have been receiving him all our lives and isn’t that amazing if it’s the case (I think it is). P.s I know many people will say that the accident of the bread is out of the body etc. but the truth is no one knows how long Jesus stays… in St Faustina’s diary he is asked and says as long as you want me to stay.
When you hear of those recipient experiences, one has to wonder if too because a person has consented to the organ they could also be consenting preternatural issues the person had. Even if they are innocent of this knowledge it could be rather problematic. I do wonder how many actual recipients of organs are experiencing this and just not saying.
I don’t see a physical mechanism for this. Apart from the brain, organs have neither the need nor the means to store memories. It must be psychological, the power of suggestion plus the grief of organ failure and the trauma of transplant surgery.
I don’t see a physical mechanism for this. Apart from the brain, organs have neither the need nor the means to store memories. It must be psychological, the power of suggestion plus the grief of organ failure and the trauma of transplant surgery.
I guess we just don’t know. Yes most sensible that it is physiological or perhaps to some degree spiritual in nature or that cells can do more than what we think they can do. The cell’s in body do store memories that are specific to the job they are assigned to do. There is still a lot science and medicine are still learning about the human body.

There is research in other areas such as in chimerias, micro-chimerism specifically with fetal cells found in mothers body, not just the brain.

So if this can occur between mother and child then why not with recipients of organ donation?

Food for thought.

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I only wish that I could take on some of the characteristics of my amazing, incredibly talented live kidney donor. But I will do my best to be more like her.
He he, could be a bit of push me, pull me issue!! 🤣

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