For God so loV ed the world,
…That He gA ve
…His onL y
…BegottE n
…T hat whosever
…Believeth I n Him
…Should N ot perish,
…But have E verlasting life."
John 3:16
I got this over e-mail and I thought it was really neat. Has anone gotten aony other cool valentines, past or presant…
spiritual valentines rock!!!
…That He gA ve
…His onL y
…BegottE n
…T hat whosever
…Believeth I n Him
…Should N ot perish,
…But have E verlasting life."
John 3:16
I got this over e-mail and I thought it was really neat. Has anone gotten aony other cool valentines, past or presant…
spiritual valentines rock!!!