Valentine's, Valentine's

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Are you too troubled on this day?

Personally, I was in a relationship with a girl for almost 1.5 years (and we had been friends for the 2.5 before) until she broke up with me on 2nd Feb., Epiphany/Offering. She said it was between religion (she was baptised Catholic, gone agnostic) and long distance and religion more so. However, there was and still is evidence to suggest that it was in fact all about long distance and the fact we didn’t see each other all that often and the meeting in February didn’t work out - feeling pressured, needing time with family and generally some rest home in the university break, I wasn’t that eager to fly there until I changed my mind and then I discovered the exam and break schedule at university had changed and I was unable to fly there then anyway. Since that time, I believe she was sad, tending to avoid me, dealing with the feeling of loss she wasn’t talking to me about, perhaps saying goodbye to the relationship. We seemed to be happy again until another debate, when she felt offended by my saying that it was impossible to go by the popular opinion forever (democratic society, friends etc) and that at some point she’d have to make her own mind and decide and she’d be alone there. She thought I was dumping her, I explained I was far from that. She said it was like a blow to the face or like a final blow… or both. I didn’t realise it was leading to a break-up. Then she approached me wanting to talk about making some decision, but I think she was more inclined to break up than anything, though she was crying and asking for a solution. It was all put down the religious difference, but I still have the prevailing feeling that she’s hurt from the February meeting not working out (she wanted to meet then for it to preserve our love and our memory and keep us remembering what we were to each toher) and for my rash comment (I react to any trace of relativism like that :(). She seems to be fighting herself at the moment, as she obviously needs contact with me, initiating it twice the last days, while it’s always short and she seems conflicted. Parents are an issue and a strange one as they kept saying how well we matched, how I behaved the same her father did to her mother, they had tears in eyes when I was leaving and all, had a cup for me in the house, always passed greetings and whatnot. When she talked to them on Epiphany, they told her they’d never allow her to marry me. That was a surprise. Apart from religion, their issues were lack of initiative (misunderstood problems with going there or getting her to come here) or my supposed playing computer games or visiting my one best friend as the whole of my life because I had nothing better to do. But I wonder where they got such information or how they made it up. And when. It’s strange. It may be connected with my telling her that perhaps they are regulating her life a bit too much (telling her when to go to bed at age 20, allowing her or not to marry - it was about signing the prenupt, and such things). I’ve said similar things about friends and it seems that she had talked about it with friends too. In the older time, she was thankful to me for helping her become more independent from her friends’ wishes and expectations, but perhaps the effect has dissipated.

At any rate, two and a half weeks after her suddenly saying it’s over, I still think about her, have dreams about her, keep remembering our good days and thinking that we seem to be made for each other, as well as sorely regretting the way I seem to have hurt her - she genuinely tried all her best before and cheered me up whenever I was gloomy about our differences, as well as tried to prevent our endless innumerable debates about abortion, euthanasia etc. These days I think she was more loving and trying to prevent us from fighting and wounding our love than trying to dodge discussions, avoid making opinions etc, which I thought before. I don’t think I did right in debating like that - it was far from charitably talking about things and making her feel loved while doing so. I feel like I had argued more for myself than for God or Christianity or Catholicism. In fact, in practical cases, we agreed much much more than in theory. The differences were on some important matters, but there were way more similarities. And we loved each other a lot, were very close as friends and loving doves (;)), didn’t have problems with chastity or anything, had lovely and wonderful times and memories, understood each other intuitively. I’m missing it. And I have the desire to cut the debates, while I still don’t want to make children less than Catholic, or agree to having no children, or whatever would make me go against my faith.
Another sad thing is that she was indeed slowly catholicising in that relationship, while just before breaking up she said she didn’t like the way she was becoming more Catholic. She suddenly seemed to have a problem with the fact I wouldn’t go out dancing in lent and said that yes, she would take it better if I had a headache or simply didn’t want to go than if I refused because of lent. However, I tend to think it was because of her mood and the hurts. It’s not like her to attach weight to such minuscule things (not saying lent is minuscule for me, just before someone reads me wrong ). I think she would normally come to terms with bringing children up as Catholics, but the long distance and lack of meeting in February, the hurt in mid-January and the restricted communication because of her exams did “the thing”.

Today, I’m thinking about sending her a Valentine’s e-card and saying that I love her with everything and for everything (she thought it was conditional upon her conversion, but it wasn’t) and that I’d really love to see her again and that having the matters at university sorted out and some more money in my pocket, I can book the flight and she’s similarly welcome to come here. It probably won’t work, but on the other hand, honesty tends to win the day. I’m going to church in 2 hours, so I’ll either pray and then write and send it after coming back home, or I’ll write and send it and then go pray before she picks it up, reads and replies. Please pray for her and for me. If you feel like telling me it was God’s hand in splitting us up, please be my guest. Hope I didn’t choose the wrong forum. At any rate, please pray for me and offer suggestions if you can think of anything.

I probably didn’t say enough how caring and loving a girl she was or how sweet and genuinely kind. Nothing what you’d expect from a liberal/worldly/whatever outlook. And, well, we were indeed looking forward to a future together. Had some plans, some hopes. Her language course in my country is still taking place in the summer, although she didn’t want to wait until then, or until Easter for that matter, but was all here and now. She thinks she doesn’t love me romantically anymore, but it’s obvious how she cares and that she needs to talk with me, that the memories are still there and she’s sad to see me hurt. Plus it was so short ago that we were happy (the beginning of December she cried so much when we were parting… I still have her bracelet and the red heart cherry cushion she gave me… in January even, we still had happy moments) and the whole thing happened in sort of a contact/communication crisis. It just looks so strange, so wrong maybe. I’m still going to try. Anyway, please pray for me if you’d be so kind. 😉
Hate to be posting a third post in the same thread created by me (probably says something about my writing “talents”), but it looks like it’s time to move on. The girl claims she’s happier now (single, not with another guy; doing a lot of things in spare time) than she was with me and isn’t particularly missing me. It’s not being blunt, it’s probably direct communication coming from the fact we’ve been friends for a couple of years and among the best ones. It conflicts for me with what I remember her saying before, in our better years, but who am I to question her judgement. As of now, I continue praying for her as I did long before we were together, saying the Rosary as well, offering Communion, some other things. I’ve resolved to give her time since nothing can hide the fact she’s struggling and she generally has the right to be left alone anyway, but as I said, I keep praying. For her, for her finding the way back to the Church, for me to be able to be a friend and just a friend, to fulfil whatever role becomes my part. Given up all reasoning, apologising for things that (might have) hurt her, cheering her up about the difficulties. Will still keep praying, though, as I said. What’s more I could do, what do you think?

Of course, the fact stays that I won’t agree to anything resembling invalid marriage or to making any exceptions in the future children’s Catholic faith, such as lent or confession. Since we aren’t talking about an extant relationship or a particularly receptive listener in the current circumstances (which might be permanent), there’s just no talking about making sure it’s the right priest and church with no risks etc. Suffice to say the moral side of it all is becoming complicated.

Normally, I’d be forgetting it except maybe adding the girl to my prayers, but we’re talking about a best friend, a girl I in a certain sense watched growing up… we kept in touch and maintained quite intense contact long before we even started considering the relationship - although signs pointing in that direction did exist practically from the beginning of knowing each other. Add to this that we were friends off the bat with practically no acquaintance stage. Perhaps I should leave it all alone, but I’m quite aware that we also had big hopes with this relationship and moving on and finding someone else, I wouldn’t like to kill our chances if she actually reconsiders, especially as I’m getting to see more and more of my faults throughout the relationship, possibly leading her here. Frankly, we didn’t need to debate so much, even if we did need to talk about certain things, and it wasn’t moral matters only that the debates were on, anyway, I have the feeling I didn’t give her enough appreciation or affection, possibly leading her here, as I said, which weighs on my conscience a lot. Particularly with the feeling I destroyed a big chance given by God (the circumstances of how the relationship started were such that I was ready to let the idea go when she reconsidered almost one month after telling me no), one that I prayed for and was heard, as well as destroying the chance for her - the chance that she had and it was very important to her - she had been extremely devoted.

Yet another concern is that she was visibly catholicising as the relationship went on (which started a bit before the relationship with her laying flowers under a statue of Mary on an impulse, the days I was praying for her a lot), which is now stopped, and she has said she didn’t like where it was going. Chances are I did it disservice by giving a distorted picture or pushing the debates, plus not exactly being as meek and kind and merciful as our Lord would have us be.

Her immediate family also seemed to be recalling or recollecting some things. Admitting to Christianity more. The day of the break-up (2nd Feb, yes, I know what falls then), however, I heard from her they’d never allow her to marry me. Of course, I didn’t like the “allow” part, but I distinctly remember them saying how well we matched, having tears in eyes as I left for home (some 650 miles distance), generally praising me all the time and loving all my jokes, thanking me for tons of things, even taking me to their family graves when she wasn’t present. As such, I doubt it was there from the beginning, they must have changed opinion at some point - possibly even the day she asked them and broke up with me on the same day, after some brief talking about it with me.

So, you basically know most of what is there to know except some things I’d rather or shouldn’t rather say, though if there’s anything to ask, I might be able to answer. Thank you for all the prayers for her and for me and I’ll be grateful for any suggestions as to what to do, what prayers, what Saints maybe… Thank you in advance. So, what would you do?
If she says she’s happier being single, as a gentleman, you must take her at her word. Don’t send her love notes. You’re more likely to put her off. Just be her friend. Let her make up her own mind if she is going to take you back or not.

It may be good to have some time apart. It sounds like she may have some growing up to do.
I’m 55 years old, and happily marrried to a good Catholic woman for almost 27 years.

I remember so vividly, the pain of being young and single, and the anguish I felt when my love for a girl was not returned. It was perhaps the greatest misery I ever experienced.

However, things did work our wonderfully for me, and they will for you, too. Just give it some time. Most college-age women are not ready to settle down.

I bet that by the time you are in your late 20’s, you will find that there are a lot of nice, Catholic girls in your age bracket who are ready to marry a strongly Catholic man.

Your faith is the best think you have going for you in finding a wonderful person to marry. Keep working on the spiritual gifts; be a loving prayer partner who shares your girlfriend’s faith, be a strong Catholic. That’s what attracted my wonderful wife to me, and a lifetime, happy marriage happened.

And remember, offer your pain as a prayer to God in union with the perfection of Christ’s offering of His cross. It can work miracles, including the miracle of bringing a very nice girl into your life.

Don’t despair! Hang in there for a while. It worked out for me, and it will work out for you. I know the suffering is severe.

I am leaving my house for Mass in 20 minutes, and I will mention you in my Mass intentions.

Blessings… - Rob in Oregon
Thank you so much, LittleRose and Rob (and everyone who read, prayed and didn’t post, too). 🙂 Well, truth be told, I forgot my gentleman formation a little for a while after that break-up. Let’s say I used to be better about not bugging people who didn’t want it. Admittedly, additionally, I think I wasn’t that great about manners (at least in the kindness aspect, though I might have crossed the lines of politeness as well) before the end of the relationship, so the worst thing I can do is keep forgetting about good manners now.

I’ve been going to mass more often than before the break-up and it’s been giving me a lot of strength. I don’t even want to think what without it. I’ve committed her to God’s care, Mary’s, St. Joseph’s… admittedly, every saint whose representation there is in my church. 😉 And prayed so that the processes somehow originated in her and possibly leading her back to church wouldn’t stop. Praying a bit for my future wife, whoever it be, or whatever people I get to care about in my vocation, whatever it be, didn’t do harm, either.

For now, I think I’ll try to be a good friend, though avoid too much contact so that I don’t start brooding. Dad suggests taking on a martial arts course so that I can defend a girl when I have one and I think that’s a good idea. It’s a shame a 6’5’’ guy moves like a stick figure, no? 😉 Another suggestion from him is signing up for some charity work, though I’ll see if it can go together with my Master’s thesis and some such work on my future. Let’s say it won’t hurt to be a good husband material for when it comes. A student isn’t a bad one, but a guy with a job and some stable situation is better there. So, probably not much of a girl for me any time soon, it seems. Though I guess I’m doing too much planning now. 😉

Thank you for your support. 🙂 I’ve been feeling much better since… don’t know… yesterday? There was a big change. And today. Especially today. Prayers must be working. 🙂 I’ve even been able to get over the feelings of guilt and those have been the worst ones. I realise memories will only start coming for real now, but who said life was meant to be easy? 😉 Wouldn’t really like a life without suffering, either. In fact, I’d rather I hadn’t had this break-up without the suffering coming with it, strange as this may sound. The occasion deserved it, I think. God bless the girl and let’s hope she’s going to find happiness in this life and next. Of course, I’ll be there most likely as I’m still a good friend. Please still remember me in your prayers, though, as I’m quite sure things will be coming back especially when I’m weak. But it’s much better now, yes. Thank you. 🙂
There is some new information that puzzles me.

First, she does seem to need contact. She comes to me to share her happiness when something goes right and she comes to say something hurts her. Comes to say good night. Wants to know not just about me, but also my studies, my exams, my family. Even my cat.

But when it comes to me, she says things like it must be hard on me still loving her. As for her, she says she’s happier than she was with me, she’s not in love with me anymore, etc. She says she’s thrown it out the window. But any suggestion of my possibly coming to her country or city and she’s totally different. “I’d really rather you didn’t,” when I told her I could pick something up personally instead of her sending it. Visiting me wasn’t a good idea because we had broken up. Told her I hadn’t (basically undermined the “we”), she changed her mood again… even saying the plan to evolve into good friends obviously backfired. I backed off, she contacted me on her own the following day to wish me a good night. Tonight she was happy with good grades, asked about my exam, displayed quite a lot of esteem for me in the process and said she was sure I’d ace it. Then we talked about the doctorate course being so pricy, I pointed out at her university, it was six times less expensive and half as long. She was really concerned if I’d make it, also hoping I’d find an alternative. Told her I could take the one at her uni (I really liked that one), she said, “That would be rather uncomfortable. ;)” The kind of reaction I’m getting these days in such situations. All in all I don’t understand.

As of my own feelings, I’m moving on and on, but still feeling sad as memories come and new ones do. Especially of the first meeting in real life, which was September. Before, I had recollections of the November/December break for a teary goodbye and generally teary autumn moments. Plus recollections of my being a jerk in January. :S These days, I’m more at peace and seem more to be moving on, but am getting those puzzling memories of the first time we met in real life, the good times, everything that was good throughout the relationship, as well as the beginning of it, how she came to me on her own three weeks after turning me. The more my feelings of guilt pass, the more those serenely happy memories come back and I don’t know what for. I have no idea if it has any connection with my prayers, but it might be so, and I don’t know what connection. Can’t do anything about those memories making me happy, either.

Ever had a similar situation? I’m sure there’s something I don’t see and some things I see I can’t comprehend. I’m sensing God has some plans here. But I can’t figure out what (by definition, I guess…). I feel like I have no impact on the events but something’s definitely going on. Did I mention today’s psalm was 37 (36 in Vulgate and the English translation in the Douay Bible is different from what I’d translate what I heard into)? The first thing I do after waking up is getting dressed and running to church, then I hear, “Trust in the Lord, He Himself will act,” practically after entering. Okay, perhaps I need more coffee. Or less. But it just feels strange, everything that’s going on, even though I a skeptical person and I don’t normally attribute such things to God, tending to think they’re probably accidents (the break-up was on 2nd Feb. and the girlfriend approached me the Monday after my praying for God to solve our problems either together or apart and receiving Communion in that intent… still didn’t want to assume anything; besides, psalms are fixed, as are any readings and it wasn’t a sudden decision to go to Church as I’ve been going every day since the break of the months). So, to repeat my question, ever had a similar situation?
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