Valid marriage or not?

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I understand how civil marriage between non-catholic and catholic are non-sacremental but can be valid if dispensation is obtained. How about if there are plans to have a church wedding in a few years time but time and location does not permit it now. So if this couple get civilly married and are only able to do the church wedding in 2 years, does it mean that the catholic party cannot participate in holy communion just because the civil wedding is not valid?
I think you can’t participate in Holy Communion if your spouse is not a catholic. It has no bearing of the dispensation if I am not mistaken.

By the way, what sort of dispensation are you referring to? The marriage is not considered a sacrament if one of the 2 parties are non-catholic.
If i am not wrong, dispensation for disparity of cult still counts the marriage between a catholic and non catholic valid. So, i believe if it is a valid marriage the catholic spouse would be able to still participate in all the sacraments except sacrement of marriage. Correct me if I’m wrong.
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A marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic is sacramental if both parties are baptized. The Catholic is not barred from communion for marrying s non-Catholic. However, the marriage must still follow proper form meaning that it is either done in a Catholic church or with proper permission and dispensations. Please see your priest for the information you need to get started properly.
How about if there are plans to have a church wedding in a few years time but time and location does not permit it now.
It is grave matter to marry outside the Church. Don’t do it. Go see your priest. Have a big party in a few years’ time. Have the marriage according to Church law now.
So if this couple get civilly married and are only able to do the church wedding in 2 years,
A couple who thinks this is making excuses. Go see the priest and do it right from the beginning.
does it mean that the catholic party cannot participate in holy communion just because the civil wedding is not valid?
It is grave matter against the precepts of the Church and the sixth commandment, and a failure to follow the law of the Church by which the Catholic is bound. The Catholic in question would need to be in a state of grace to approach the sacrament of the Eucharist. The Catholic should discuss it with his priest.

If the Catholic in question also begins living as husband and wife with the civil spouse, having conjugal relations, then they have added additional grave matter against the sixth commandment. Again, talk to your priest and marry validly from the outset.
I think you can’t participate in Holy Communion if your spouse is not a catholic. It has no bearing of the dispensation if I am not mistaken.
There is nothing in Church law prohibiting a Catholic validly married to a non-Catholic from participating in Holy Communion. I’m not sure where you got this idea.
By the way, what sort of dispensation are you referring to? The marriage is not considered a sacrament if one of the 2 parties are non-catholic.
No. Catholics can validly marry non-Catholics in a non-Catholic ceremony with a dispensation from Catholic form from their bishop. If the non-Catholic is baptized, the marriage is valid and sacramental.
How exactly does the current time and location not permit? A church wedding need not be expensive, if that’s the concern.
I understand how civil marriage between non-catholic and catholic are non-sacremental but can be valid if dispensation is obtained.
A valid wedding between any two validly baptized persons is Sacramental. Sacramental marriage is not limited to Catholics.
So if this couple get civilly married and are only able to do the church wedding in 2 years, does it mean that the catholic party cannot participate in holy communion just because the civil wedding is not valid?
They cannot participate in Communion because they have sinned by attempting marriage outside the Church, and because they are living in a state of unrepentant grave sin, sexual acts between them are also gravely sinful.

Honestly, just get married in the Church. If you have the time and location to get civilly married, you have the time and location to be properly married.
There are very occasional reasons when a civil and religious marriage may have to be separated. If that’s genuinely the case it would need to be handled by your pastor in advance. But if it’s a financial concern, you don’t need to spend much to get a church wedding.
We actually would like to get married in the church this time around but pushbacks were from parents as they would not be able to be present at that time (due to location and that they are not ready) although me and my fiance are ready to get married. So we decided to go forth with our civil marriage only (as agreed by parents) which would also ease our future plans of application to move to another country together…
Is it alright if a civil marriage is done but the couple does not participate in the conjugal act until they obtained blessings from the church and make their wedding valid?
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Is it alright if a civil marriage is done but the couple does not participate in the conjugal act until they obtained blessings from the vhurch and make their wedding valid?
In general, no. Catholics are to follow the marriage laws of the Church.

Go talk to your priest, he can evaluate the situation and give guidance.
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