Valid Translations for Catechesis

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I’m trying to find out which Bible translations are approved for use in catechesis (RCIA). I’m not sure where to find the official word on this issue. Thanks.
That will probably depend on your diocese but

New American Bible (NAB) , RSV-CE, Jerusalem Bible and Douay-Rheims are all ‘safe bets’

I’d stay away from the King James and especially the New International Version (NIV) for their Protestant\Evangelical take
I would suggest using the NAB since our Lectionary follows the NAB translation. However, it is helpful to have also a RSV-CE and Douay Rheims for a more literal translation. By comparing the translations among the three, many times a better understanding of the text is achieved.
My problem is, I have various newspaper clippings someone handed to me from the NCR that say that the NRSV was “rejected” for use in liturgy and catechesis by the Vatican because of its use of inclusive language. It says that the NAB was also rejected and that the current lectionary is based upon a specially modified NAB which is not available for purchase.

Where does that leave me? I’m not sure I know how to verify what is approved/rejected for catechesis – but according to EWTN’s site only this modified NAB may be used for the liturgy.
The translation for the Lectionary that is modified from the NAB is why I suggested the NAB. The problems inherent to the NAB translation (N-A-B, I hate thee is my personal view) can be ameliorated by using the RSV-CE (not the NRSV) and Douay Rheims in tandem. I instruct eighth grade catechism and we use the NAB for our classes. I check the verses we are due to go over on my Catholic Answers collection from Logos Library that allows me to see the Latin Vulgate, RSV-CE and NAB in parallel to compare them for critical translations. For the New Testament I bounce it off Nestle and Alands 26th critical edition of the New Testament in Greek (also included in the Logos Bible CD-ROM from Catholic Answers) and the Douay Rheims translation. If you don’t have the Douay here’s a link
I would also point out that the modified NAB is used as the Lectionary in the United States only (well, maybe Canada too). The other English speaking Bishop’s Conferences use the Jerusalem Bible directly ( N.B. Not the ‘New Jerusalem’ Bible, but the Jerusalem Bible.

That has been approved by the Vatican, but for some reason the USCCB decided to go with the NAB with modifications.
OK, I guess the Ignatius text looks like it is one of the best since it has never had the inclusive language problem. However, the NAB bibles we currently have contain a commentary, maps, etc. The Ignatius Bible seems to be just the text. Fewer resources for an RCIA class.

The NABs we have also have the advantage of being very close to the lectionary. However, if the Vatican has said they should not be used for catechesis then we would not want to use them.

Somewhere there must be a list of bibles that can or cannot be used for this purpose. Does anyone know where I might find such official instructions?
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