This is kind of startling
Eutheism is synomous with omnibenevolence and is the first thing which comes to mind when ppl think of God. Even with the problem of evil we always try to concile an explanation for bad things happening. One way is saying that a believer thinks that God is a only a “God of good” but not a “God of love” (love being such powerfully encompassing and mysterious concept all on it owns due to the max inclusion,you get from it).
Alternatively one might say that a believer thinks that God is a only a “God of good” but not a “God of all”.
However I can see how that can slide into…
dystheism:it might be a sentiment adopted on account of agnosticism,deism or a temporary misotheism (hatred of God) or as part of philosophical “thought experiment”.
Things comes to my mind in particular upon hearing this?:
-Aside from what pops to mind when thinking of “[insert Hebrew word for ‘Adversary’ here]ism” and demonic cults…
-a terrible final outcome that stirred in the thoughts of ppl in ancient times working with now mythological figures
-some ppl might be argue Lovecraft (
grief, the irony in the last name) points out to in his stories…
-from what I’ve seen this (or maybe it was dystheism) was a “stage” that Descartes had to go thru when thinking out “Cognito ergo sum”
there’s a neat summary of how Descartes got to “cognite ergo sum” here youtube.com/watch?v=cDNCv-ob87E
^~^ I notice that mention of a malevolent spirit is substituted with mention of an “evil genius”.You can see the comment I wrote there by my real name
--Xavier Diaz Sanchez.
Why I don’t think or believe it pans out:who has ever heard or could ever think of of an “evil intelligence” or an “infinitely ‘perfectly’ evil”,creating?.
Of the three value-judgement theisms the first is the only one which establishes that our relationship with an ultimate reality which is wholly healthy and good,in the second is a decreased possibility and the last a denial of the possibility
What do you guys think of this and the use of the phrase “value-judgement” here?
Value-judgment theisms
Eutheism is the belief that a deity is wholly benevolent.
Dystheism is the belief that a deity is not wholly good, and is possibly evil.
My takes on these?.Maltheism is the belief that a deity exists, but is wholly malicious.
Eutheism is synomous with omnibenevolence and is the first thing which comes to mind when ppl think of God. Even with the problem of evil we always try to concile an explanation for bad things happening. One way is saying that a believer thinks that God is a only a “God of good” but not a “God of love” (love being such powerfully encompassing and mysterious concept all on it owns due to the max inclusion,you get from it).
Alternatively one might say that a believer thinks that God is a only a “God of good” but not a “God of all”.

dystheism:it might be a sentiment adopted on account of agnosticism,deism or a temporary misotheism (hatred of God) or as part of philosophical “thought experiment”.
Things comes to my mind in particular upon hearing this?:
- less than nice mythological dieties.Common stereotypes of Hades/Pluto and Loki come to my mind on this.Contrary to a lot of movie portrayals like Disney’s Hercules I’ve read that while the Greeks (and Romans I’ll assume by extension) were not so keen on bringing up Hades he wasn’t exactly clear cut evil and the relations they had with him in ritualism and such were complicated,depending on say if it was a typical funereal or a particular ceremony. I’m not sure about Loki though and whether any Germanic or Norse ppl bothered to really flesh him out but I’m guessing that tricksters (even when you know there doing malicious pranks) can be eluding to define,no pun intended.
- in my mind is a voice saying Lovecraft….H.P. Lovecraft…this has him written all over it
as I’ve heard that for as terrifying as Lovecraft’s monsters are they do terrible things not b/c there clear cur evil per se ,so much as being relentless,cruel and scary forces of nature
Oy but that last one?,maltheism?..in no uncertain terms heretical and ‘~’ even I’ll admit here is where I get truly skittish.-Aside from what pops to mind when thinking of “[insert Hebrew word for ‘Adversary’ here]ism” and demonic cults…
-a terrible final outcome that stirred in the thoughts of ppl in ancient times working with now mythological figures
-some ppl might be argue Lovecraft (

there’s always been the prevalent for the technical amorality of his monsters though; I cringe to think that there have been modern fiction writers who’ve made out maltheism in no ambigious terms in there writing >~< ,for the sake of nightmarishness.-from what I’ve seen this (or maybe it was dystheism) was a “stage” that Descartes had to go thru when thinking out “Cognito ergo sum”
there’s a neat summary of how Descartes got to “cognite ergo sum” here youtube.com/watch?v=cDNCv-ob87E
^~^ I notice that mention of a malevolent spirit is substituted with mention of an “evil genius”.You can see the comment I wrote there by my real name

Why I don’t think or believe it pans out:who has ever heard or could ever think of of an “evil intelligence” or an “infinitely ‘perfectly’ evil”,creating?.
Of the three value-judgement theisms the first is the only one which establishes that our relationship with an ultimate reality which is wholly healthy and good,in the second is a decreased possibility and the last a denial of the possibility
What do you guys think of this and the use of the phrase “value-judgement” here?